Black Friday Sale Today, All Nature – FREE! Limited Time!
Today I have a short post with a strong message (I hope). This blog isn’t monetized so I’m definitely not going to get paid for trying to spread the #OptOutside message on Black Friday.
REI, the huge outdoor retailer, is closing again for the third year in a row on Black Friday and urging people to get outside and play. As an outdoor sports junkie and a horrible-but-trying minimalist, I think this is a wonderful message to send.

From Near The Summit Of Capitol Peak, CO
#PickUpYourJaw #ThisDidntCostAnythingExceptSweat
Perhaps we need a reminder of how dire things are in America when it comes to personal health. Over 70% of American adults are overweight. Seven out of ten. And about 38% are obese.

A Tree In A Park Near My House, 2017
#AutumnRocks #ItDoesntHaveToBeABigAdventure
Is getting outside and going for a hike on one day going to change that? Of course not, although it could help you start a better exercise routine. But it’s the symbology of bucking the consumerist trend on this day that perhaps matters a bit more.
The day after Thanksgiving has become a quasi-religious holiday for the runaway consumer culture. It pushes the message that your family and friends will like you more because of the stuff you give them, instead of the quality time you spend with them.

Saranac Lake At Sunset, Daks
#KindaBlissy #YesThereWereLeechesInTheWater
Playing in nature with some nice healthy exercise today and not going shopping sends a message. You’re different. Heck, if you’re reading FIRE blogs you already know you’re different, but show it off! Show how different you are today by grabbing your bike, or your hiking boots, or your running shoes, or whatever. Plus, if you’re like me you did some serious damage to that pumpkin pie last night, time to earn it. So get out there and enjoy nature today!
Chime in below – what are your outdoor plans today?
**Update – I walked the walk and just got back from a nice 38 mile ride with 2 of my cycling buddies. Got this sweet pic!

Black Friday? Try Orange Friday
#DidntCostADime #FreeIsGood
It was raining here pretty hard on Friday but I did manage to still at least take the dog for a walk. Sometimes even I need to motivate myself to go for something bigger to get the good physical benefits as the couple miles I do each day doesn’t get the heart pumping. As to the Black Friday comment, I have always admired what REI does. Also Patagonia donated all profit from sales that day last year I believe.
Getting out at all, even for a walk with the dog, is a win and more than most people do on a daily basis. Plus us active people do need rest days, especially now that we’re gettin’ long in the tooth… well at least I am.
I would expect that from Patagonia. Bucking the trend for 40+ years now!
Great idea to get out rather than be stuck at the mall all day blowing a ton of money. I havent done the full out Black Friday shopping in years. However, I do keep my eye out if there are a few things I might need that I can get for a lot less with promotions, stackable offers etc. Overall I dont spend that much time on it and find other productive things to do. Now at 48, I find much more appreciation and enjoyment in getting outside on a nice day, riding my bike in the woods, walking some trails, etc. And it doesnt cost anything either.
As frugal people there’s a bit of a dilemma here….. we don’t want to buy nearly as much “stuff” as other people, but what we do want to buy we want to get a cheap. So yes, there are some really good deals this weekend including today.
I hate going to physical stores, period. So given the choice I’d rather spend 20 minutes today seeing if I can nab a deal on Cyber Monday on something I was gonna buy anyway. But we must remember to resist all the hype so we don’t buy-all-the-things!
Ah, the limited time is sadly so true! And yes, we went on a great hike near Lake Michigan on Black Friday and Saturday!
Sweet, I need to get up to the Great Lakes, it’s been a long time. Also want to do Boundary Waters. Not enough time for my bucket list…
Yes, never enough time! Both are definitely beautiful places to spend some of that time though!
I just saw this post and came across your blog. I love it. Anything with a touch of satire works well in sending messages to my brain. 🙂 I am inspired today, well beyond Black Friday, to get outside and out of the rut of Christmas shopping. Sometimes we need a literal breath of fresh air.
Nice, that’s great to hear!. I find myself going a little stir-crazy if I’m in stores too much and not getting my dose of nature. Too many shiny things!!
And I’ll be putting out a Turnip FIRE post every week, hopefully dripping with sarcasm, silliness, and satire. So feel free to subscribe if you like them.
Thanks for the kind words and for stopping by!