Guest Post On Get Rich Slowly
Big news everyone – I have a guest post today on Get Rich Slowly!! GRS is one of THE original and best blogs in the personal finance space, and J.D. Roth is on the proverbial Mount Rushmore of the community. So when he offered me a guest post I was happier than a pig in mud.
I meant to put this short post out earlier today but WordPress was apparently on a bourbon bender last night and I also had to work my W-2 today. Stupid job!!!
Anyhoo, you might be wondering what my post has to do with pumpkin pie. Well… Please go and have a read!
YAY!! Congratulations! Glad I’m not the only who Word Press gives trouble.
It can be temperamental, but hey it’s free software!
Dave, I love reading your posts. Your site is one of the most entertaining that I have found so far. Congratulations on climbing the mountain!
THANK YOU, I appreciate that!
Congrats and great post. It reminded me of when I discovered FIRE through Early Retirement Extreme. It was like a switch turned on in my head and I’ve been prioritizing freedom over convention ever since. I think when things click, it’s easy to focus less on the deprivation and more on the end goal. Also, I’m so glad JD bought the site back, it just wasn’t the same without him!
Freedom is a great thing to prioritize!
Congratulations Dave. I commented on GRS yesterday when I read it, very well done. You know you are doing well when you get contacted by a giant in the industry asking for a guest post
It’s mostly a result of meeting him at FINCON. There’s something to be said about person to person that the internet cannot duplicate.
nice post over there.
Thanks man!
Great read. I love pumpkin pie too. But I intentionally and deliberately deprive myself of it too most of the year so that I don’t live a life of deprivation and poor health
We’re winning!
Hi Dave,
First time visiting your blog which I found through GetRichSlowly. Hadn’t realized JD was back and apparently bought it back! Good stuff.
Anyway, I’ve kind of fallen of the wagon a little bit, what is this new FIRE thing? Does it stand for Financial Independence and REtirement or Early retirement? (Sorry totally new here!)
Regarding deliberate deprivation… yep it works for things like pumpkin pie. For most other things, people don’t like doing it. It’s painful and it requires willpower (dicsipline) and people are afraid of it because it sounds HARD. There was this girl in my office who was always spent and indulged in silly little things (incl. Alexa echo!)…. she had to have a molar taken out because she didn’t want to spend 200 pounds on treatment that could have possibly saved it…
If I had to do it, if I had to lose a tooth, that would make me feel deprived – way more than having to not buy the Alexa echo…
But what I really wanted to say was that if you learn to – if you teach yourself to – be happy with less, you won’t ever feel deprived. And that’s not a mind trick. You really CAN be happy with less. I think Trent at TSD published something on clearing out your house of things you don’t need and this actually makes people MORE happy.
Hope I made sense
JD has lots of posts about FIRE, start here –
I agree, we as people have a great ability to adjust to new realities. So you don’t feel deprived when you adjust. The hard part, as you say, is to actually do the adjustments. Many are just plain hard. Eating healthier, exercising more, spending less. I get it, it’s hard.
Great comment!