Be Kind, Make People Laugh, Save Money
A couple of weeks ago I was packing my duffle for a day of climbing on the local crag. I noticed one of my ropes was getting frayed. As a frugal weirdo I almost always use things until they die or break.
This is not a recommended course of action with climbing ropes, by the way 🙂
I found that one of my favorite sites,, was having a Labor Day sale. And they had some screaming deals on ropes.
I picked a great rope that was 35% off and paid via PayPal. When I got to the confirmation page and hit ‘Purchase’, it spun a while and it didn’t take. Then I got an error that said “we can’t complete your purchase”.
Seconds later I got a confirmation email from Moosejaw requesting me to call and sort it out. I then remembered that the credit card linked to my PayPal account had expired and I had forgotten to enter the new one in. That should be an easy fix.
For most online companies I would hesitate to call since it usually takes an act of magic to get a human being on the phone. But I had actually called Moosejaw before and knew they were bit different.
I called and sure enough got a friendly customer service representative named Kim on the phone in short-order.
Please Don’t Yell At Me
Being a customer service representative has to be one of the toughest jobs out there. Every time you answer the phone you’re likely starting a conversation with someone who’s upset, or even downright angry.
I used to be really tough with customer service reps on the phone, and I would blaze into the conversation with a “my way or the highway” attitude. Over the years I’ve matured and learn to soften my game.
There’s a human being on the other line after all, and likely one who’s really not too jazzed to be talking to you either.
And in this case there was no dispute to sort out, I just needed to pay for my purchase. So I went in to the call expecting it to be pleasant. But why not make it fun?
I explained to Kim what I thought happened and that I had the new credit card information ready for her to pay for my purchase. I heard her clicking keys as she brought up my order. But I also heard what sounded like a movie playing in the background.
“Sounds like you do this from home with a movie playing in the background”, I said.
“I do, it’s just TV” she said.
This was my ‘break the ice’ line and my attempt to be friendly. Some silence followed as she clicked away, then she said “Climbing rope? What are you one of those adrenaline people?”
This was just the bait I needed.
“Yes, and I was just recently in Wyoming on a climbing trip and saw an actual moose. He had a HUGE JAW too!”, I excitedly said.
A brief awkward silence followed, and I feared my attempt at humor had failed miserably. Then she burst out laughing.
“No way, really? You saw a moose?”, she replied.
“I kid you not, jaw and all” I confirmed.
I wasn’t lying either, I did see a moose in the Grand Tetons the week prior. And it did have a jaw, a quite nice one actually.
“What was it doing, the moose?”, Kim asked.
“You know, moose stuff. Like standing, chewing, and pooping”, I replied, in as serious a tone as that line can be delivered.
You can see where this went. She played along and enjoyed my admittedly childish humor. It was really fun to make her laugh and to show her all calls are not boring or difficult.
We finally got back to business and when she was ready I gave her my new credit card number. And for one last laugh I asked her if Moosejaw gives discounts to actual moose. (factiod – the plural for moose is not mooses or meese, and at this point my blog is off the rails…)
“I’ve never had a moose call”, she said “…but I do have a coupon code here for you for an extra 20% off”.
Boo. Friggin. Yah!
And because Moosejaw has a rewards program I got another $2.07 off the order.
The World Needs More Fun

My new rope, ready to protect me from the perils of gravity
So in the end I got a $130 dollar rope for $70. And I got an additional $14 discount by simply treating Kim like a person and making her laugh. Call it the “fun discount”.
Moosejaw values its people and sent me an email asking to rate Kim. I could also give her a gift, and Moosejaw would pay for it. I chose to give her a lunch on her employer. I’m sure most customers don’t mention moose poop to their customer service representatives, but she rolled with it and laughed and was fun to talk to.
This strategy of kindness and humor is not guaranteed to get you a 20% off coupon every time, nor will it assure you’ll get your way in a customer dispute. But it’s far more likely to work than being abrasive, difficult, or angry.
Whether you’re negotiating with the cable company over your bill, or dealing with complex and messy medical bills as we all have to do from time to time, treating the person on the other line like a person is the way to go. And if you toss in a joke about moose poop you just might get you what you want.
The world needs more fun, so create some. It just might be profitable too.
Awesome story! Couldn’t agree more. The world needs to laugh together a little more rather than fighting over petty squabbles.
Thanks Tako!
That was a great turn of events started by an expired credit card that in the end saved you even more money.
Never heard of a company offer getting a gift to the customer agent on their dime. That is a great policy and creates a great work environment.
It’s a great policy, and Moosejaw is famous for doing things different
Agreed! One of my tempoary contract jobs has me in a position where no one complains if things go well, but I have to deal with a lot of angry people if there is one thing out of wack. It feesl thankless sometimes. So many things can STILL be resolved in a friendly manor. I think the only exception might be the people at the unemployment office. Oh man I don’t think I’ve talked to a single friendly person there whenever I’ve had to use them!
Thankfully I’ve never set foot in an unemployment office and should never ever have to at this point 🙂
Great job. Usually, I try not to be a jerk, but it’s not easy. Especially when I call Xfinity…
Don’t get me started o them, when I cut my cable they basically forced me to get hostile with them
Oh man, bummer. I had a great experience when we cut both tv and then later internet. I was shocked at how easy it was.
The dude I had literally couldn’t believe I was to go without cable TV. “What will you watch?” he repeatedly asked, over and over. I told him nothing, I exercise instead. He was baffled.
the telecoms are tough. you call with a complaint and half the time they are trained to try and sell you an extra or upgrade. well done by you, dave. i’ve gotten much nicer to customer service people over the years too.
They’re called “retention specialists”, and they’re a special breed…
Your blog is completely off the rails haha.
Seriously though. Glad you replaced that rope 😳
Ha, yeah when you get to the point that you’re explaining the plural for moose on a personal finance blog, you’re a bit off the rails. It’s all connected, somehow 🙂
Great story, Dave! Life’s too short to not be pleasant, besides it’s a lot more fun that way! I called my bank one time a while back, and the lady asked me my mother’s maiden name for security purposes. When I told her, she said, “hmmm…she didn’t live in Illinois, did she?” (it’s a unique name). Turns out it was my COUSIN on the phone!! Glad I was nice with her, you never know who you’re talking to, but they’re all just people, after all!
That’s hilarious, you are lucky you didn’t go in to the call “hot” that would’ve made the next family reunion awkward!
Well done! I’ve learned a little bit of kindness goes a long way too.
Thanks Katie, it certainly does
So glad you posted this Dave. While I never worked in a call center, many of my former colleagues started there fresh from graduation. They were always beaten down from the angry callers and long hours. It did give me perspective from that point on to treat those servicing me with respect and humor. Similar to your experience with Kim at Moosejaw, it has paid off 90+% of the time. When you go out of your way to treat people kindly, it’s usually rewarded and plus it just feels good!
The fact that it feels good should make it easier to do, who doesn’t want to feel good?
This is great, and a discount on top of it! We saw a moose in the Tetons a few years back, but it was too far away to really comment on his jaw. For medical bills, the system has gotten so complex the call reps often don’t completely understand everything. So although you likely need to be a bit firm, I still don’t recommend the steamroll approach. So go easy on them my friends.
Good point, ‘firm but nice’ is a great way to go. And still tossing in some wry humor helps.
You rock man, being mindful of you treat others is so important. This is a great story to start the day and of course being from the north gotta ask, have you actually been to Moose Jaw? 🙂
Thanks Chris, no I haven’t – I had to look it up! I’ve spent quite a lot of time in Ontario and Alberta, but none in Saskatchewan. I think I need to go there!
Just for the Moose Jaw jokes 🙂 I grew up just SE of there and spent a good chunk of my life on the prairies
I couldn’t agree more. I realized this when I worked my first job earning minimum wage at a fast food restaurant. I noticed we would always give the nicest customers the freshest food and the best service. That summer I learned to treat people that make your food with respect. But treating people well applies to everything else too