T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 1
Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #1!
I’ve been posting on Tuesdays and Fridays since this blog started almost two years ago, and I haven’t missed a post. Now that my blog has found an audience of a few readers who apparently like some of the same things I do, I thought it’d be great to start sharing things that make me tick.
T.G.I.F. Fridays will come out every other Friday and they’re not meant to be just another a personal finance curation post. I’ll highlight a few personal finance articles, but then link to things that I liked. If you read my blog you already know that nature, outdoors sports, health, and science will feature prominently, and you probably lean towards liking those things too.
Most of the content does affect personal finance since I’m a strong believer that the behavioral aspects of life are what’s really pulling the strings behind the scenes of your money life.
These won’t be solely things that have come out in the past two weeks. I sometimes read older content that I’ve bookmarked, or watch a video over again because it’s that good. So my goal here is to highlight really good stuff, regardless of when it came out.
Finance Articles
The Periodic Table of FIRE! – Adam from MinaFi is a cool dude, and this is a geeky but cool post. I don’t think he’d mind me saying that because I’m pretty geeky too.
Lessons Learned From 100 Alcohol Free Days – I was delighted to meet A Purple Life at FINCON, she’s a great writer and this post hit home to me since I drank a good portion of my youth away.
“Do you want to collect stuff or do you want to collect experiences?”
Who’s Inspired Me
Chloé Dygert this past week became the youngest cyclist to win the women’s elite individual time trial at the UCI Road World Championships. She’s 22. She also won by the largest margin on record, one minute and 32 seconds. I was watching live, Chloé is the real deal and she’s going to win a lot more.
You wanna know how deep these pros go into the pain cave at a time trail? Watch the Twitter video in that link, she collapsed at the end and needed help even getting off her bike. Badass.
What I’m Grateful For
Unlike most of my family I’ve been blessed with a life of good health. I promise to be a good steward of that gift.
Lyrically Speaking
Well there’s a little less to pack up.
Now it’s so easy to fly.
Somehow we’ll make it back to high and dry.
They’re only mere possessions,
And we still got that one.
Now we know just having each other is the most important one.”“And we know we can lose it all,
But if we still have each other
Then, girl, that’s all there is.
You can blow all the rest a kiss
From “Times Like This”, by Slim Dunlap
Dunlap was the guitarist for the seminal band The Replacements in their later years and this song is from his second solo album. It’s about a couple reflecting on life after their house burned down. The lyrics are a beautiful way to look at life. I think Slim is probably a minimalist
Lisa Ling was an incredible guest on the Tim Ferriss show. What she did to learn her Mom’s story has inspired me to try the same, we’ll see…..
This Map Shows in Vivid Color How Territorial Wolf Packs Actually Are
Just want to give you some positive feedback on this: Love it!
Thanks J.D. I really appreciate that!
What a cool and eclectic list of shout-outs! We just came back from 30 days in Costa Rica, and it was the longest trip we’ve ever taken b/c we dropped off our youngest to college and are officially empty-nesters. So TGIF for slow travel and empty nesting! I finished 8 books during the time away. Stories That Stick by Kindra Hall about storytelling (some great story examples in there) and What Game Are You Playing by Robin Moriarty (choosing your own path) are two that stand out from the bunch.
Sweet thanks for stopping by and the book reccos!
https://www.worldfitnesslevel.org/#/ this was a really cool fitness age calculator that uses vo2 max (i know you know all about that). it’s pretty fascinating stuff and i read a bunch of related stuff around the topic. the test estimated my vo2 max at 52 and my fitness age at 29. don’t worry about me obsessing over it as i remain “on the sauce.”
if our house burned i wouldn’t miss 90% of the stuff as long as the dog wasn’t home. i would miss the art. nice post.
Ha, it told me that I have a VO2 of 60 and I’m 21 years old. The web is funny. I would like to get my VO2 tested for real though, I imagine it’s in that range. Now that I’m 21 I’m getting a friggin drink tonight!
I like the new feature – a great mixed list of things. I don’t think I could sell everything and live off a bike permanently, but I’ve loved the times I’ve done extended touring rides. That lifestyle certainly has some appeal.
Bike touring is so awesome. I haven’t been on a big trip in a while, I need to get out there
Nice addition to your site Dave. I like the fact that its not necessarily or explicitly FI. Sharing other topics that interest you with your audience is pretty cool!
Thank you!
Things like selling everything and bike packing for a year or doing the van life tour for a short while completely captivate me. I don’t know why these draw on me everyday but maybe because a life with a bit more suck is better than being stuck or strapped with a few more stresses in the conventional house and lifestyle. Looking forward to future TGIFs
I need to get out bikepacking again, it’s been over a year since I did a trip. So much fun
I have yet to do anything like it at this point other than my solo roadtrips and of course solo alpine treks. Just something about being on a bike and getting yourself across the land in solitude of inner reflection and no choice but to keep pedalling. Almost a pilgrimage of sorts…
The cool thing about traveling by bike is that it’s faster than hiking so you can cover way more ground and see more, but not so fast that you don’t smell the smells and still get to really see everything. Turns out 10-15mph is a perfect speed to see things
That cyclist! Freaking impressive.
She’s a beast!