2025 Activity Tracker
Cycling: 997 Miles
Running: 105 Miles
Hiking: 18 Miles
Paddling: 3 Miles
Climbing Days: 1
2024 Activity Tracker
Cycling: 5209 Miles
Running: 330 Miles
Hiking: 46 Miles
Paddling: 86 Miles
Climbing Days: 1
2023 Activity Tracker
Cycling: 5400 Miles
Running: 472 Miles
Hiking: 37 Miles
Paddling: 96 Miles
Climbing Days: 6
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- Dave @ Accidental FIRE on T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 141
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- Dave @ Accidental FIRE on T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 141
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Turnip FIRE! Disclaimer:
Turnip FIRE! is like, real fake news. I mean, there’s fake news that’s meant to be real, and then fake news that’s meant to be fake. The fake news that’s meant to be real is like, actual fake news. Turnip FIRE! is fake fake news…. okay now I’m confused…. Anyhoo, don’t take any Turnip FIRE! stories seriously. Just don’t.
Your graphics department is on point! Lol
I know, those guys rock. I need to give them a pay raise…
Seems accurate.
I’ve been so guilty of this trap, but I managed to escape with only 4 items (2 of which need to be returned) totaling under $19 on my last trip to Walmart.
You’re pro-level
my work used to hand out safety reward cards for stores like home depot and best buy. i once went to best buy to try and spend 40 free bucks but i got the hives as soon as i walked in the door. i just can’t do it.
too… much…. stuff…..
Good one
And once you haven’t been in one for a while it feels SO weird to wander around in one.
Very true. I go to Walmart maybe once a year, and it’s like another universe every time
That must be why they make those stores to hard to navigate… just like casinos. The longer you’re inside, the more you spend!
Deliberate and sinister
I’m actually really happy that I can resist this urge now. Where this does get me is in the groceries stores though lol
I’m just as human as everyone else and have to check my urges all the time