2025 Activity Tracker
Cycling: 977 Miles
Running: 105 Miles
Hiking: 18 Miles
Paddling: 3 Miles
Climbing Days: 1
2024 Activity Tracker
Cycling: 5209 Miles
Running: 330 Miles
Hiking: 46 Miles
Paddling: 86 Miles
Climbing Days: 1
2023 Activity Tracker
Cycling: 5400 Miles
Running: 472 Miles
Hiking: 37 Miles
Paddling: 96 Miles
Climbing Days: 6
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- Dave @ Accidental FIRE on T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 141
- ETFdb on T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 141
- Dave @ Accidental FIRE on T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 141
- Joe on T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 141
- Dave @ Accidental FIRE on T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 141
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Turnip FIRE! is like, real fake news. I mean, there’s fake news that’s meant to be real, and then fake news that’s meant to be fake. The fake news that’s meant to be real is like, actual fake news. Turnip FIRE! is fake fake news…. okay now I’m confused…. Anyhoo, don’t take any Turnip FIRE! stories seriously. Just don’t.
I’m at the plateau of peace and can vouch that it is incredible
How awesome! 🙂 I think I’m on the ‘slope of enlightenment’. LOLs. Good weekend to all!
That’s where the knowledge comes funneling in – enjoy!
Booyah Doc!
in many ways i’m glad i was older when i got it all together with money. it made the trough of disillusionment easier to take. i noticed an uptick in mental endurance and acceptance as i aged.
That’s absolutely my experience as well.
“mental endurance”, love that term. I might just steal that 🙂
I haven’t hit the plateau of peace yet; I’m at the stage where all the pieces are in place but the voyage up the hill to FIdom feels very long.
You’ll get there, stay true. I purposely made the Plateau of Peace still slanted uphill a bit. Meaning it’s not all rosy with no effort once you’re there. I think I’m there but still earning about myself. That’ll never end.
Love the illustration Dave!
Thanks dude!
That is scarily accurate 😳
Always enjoy these.
Where do you think “the boring middle” people always talk about fits in here?
I’ve never really heard that term, but my guess would be it’s on the slope of enlightenment where you’re slowly learning how do do it right and why it’s important.
Very nice! Where is after FI on this chart? 🙂
That’s the Plateau of Peace, I wanted to make people think about it, so I guess it worked 🙂 And the Plateau is still slightly uphill because even after FI there are still challenges and still lots to learn, as you know!