T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 39

Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #39!

Here are some things I really like and that you might too. 


Finance Articles

Why FIRE Isn’t Fair (Banker On FIRE)“If you want to embark on a thankless affair, look no further than the pursuit of financial independence.”

When the Women in Your Life Join MLMs (We Want Guac) – “There is no significant money to be made in an MLM. Ever.”



Watch these crazy ibex do their best Alex Honnold impersonation, just to get some salt.  Look ma, no rope!


Who’s Inspired Me

Ryan Van Duzer.

This guy defines stoke.  Van Duzer is a filmmaker who rambled around the TV industry until sites like YouTube made it possible to go solo.  And go solo he did.  With about 100,000 subscribers he isn’t as massive as many YouTubers, but I bet he’s more stoked.  Much of his content revolves around running and cycling in beautiful places, and making connections with people through those life-affirming activities.  He has awesome videos of bikepacking adventures across the globe, from Cuba to Uzbekistan. 

The main thing I love about the guy is his unflinching and gargantuan-sized optimism.  At first glance it can seem over the top and phony, but after watching a few videos you’ll see that it’s genuine.  And like Ricky Gates who I highlighted in TGIF 38, he loves spreading the stoke to others – to anyone – regardless of who they are, what opinions they have, or where they’re from.  This video gives you a taste of Van Duzer.


What I’m Grateful For

That two new bike shops have opened near me in the last month – two! Looking forward to forming new relationships with small shops and maybe even starting some new group rides.


Lyrically Speaking

You have to be who you are
Even when you wish you were somebody else
Cuz movies and star magazines
Tell you to be anyone but yourself

From “Fall Like A Star” by Retrospect

I’ve previously said how I like highlighting unknown and obscure bands. Well now I’m getting really obscure.  The band named Retrospect made one self-titled album in 2004, then vanished.  You’ll find other bands with the same name, including an interesting ensemble that do covers of 80’s songs on violin (<-affiliate link), but they’re not the same band.  The band behind this song is virtually invisible from the internet.

Retrospect is shameless syrupy pop-rock, but also really well done.  It’s not computerized crap, they play real analog instruments and it’s not autotuned to death.  I love the record, the songs have memorable melodies and nice hooks.  If you like mainstream rock like U2 or Coldplay, you’ll probably like this record. 

Mainly I’m highlighting them because I love those opening 4 lines in “Fall Like A Star”.  It captures our Instagram fed envy-culture of celebrity worship, which also fuels the keep up with the Joneses financial death-spiral.



CDC Data Strengthens Link of Obesity, Severe COVID“Officials have previously linked being overweight or obese to a greater risk for more severe COVID-19. A report this week from the CDC adds numbers and some nuance to the association.”

Exercise may increase lifespan regardless of past activity levels“Findings suggest that it is never too late to start exercising”

Interstellar Visitor Found to Be Unlike a Comet or an Asteroid“The mystery of ’Oumuamua, the first interstellar object ever observed, continues to deepen.”

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Dave @ Accidental FIRE

I reached financial independence and semi-retired in my mid-40's through hard work, smart living, and investing. This blog chronicles my journey and explores many aspects of personal finance including the psychological and behavioral factors that drive our habits.

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14 Responses

  1. wallies says:

    Two new bike shops have opened near you? Are you in the Baltimore area? The bike shops near me have no stock (Phila area). There’s major supply-chain issues in the bike world. They don’t even know when they’re getting a shipment and forget about ordering anything. I hear it may be a global problem.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Yes bike parts are still experiencing shortages worldwide but it’s slowly recovering. The two shops that opened near me are both focused on service right now since the very reason we have these shortages is due to people pulling out their old dusty bikes that hadn’t been touched in 20 years and trying to ride them. So the shops are going where the need is, which right now is in service. It’s also something that can’t be done on the internet so to me it’s a decent bet. No mater how you slice it, these are good problems!

      • wallies says:

        Lack of inventory is most decidedly NOT GOOD for the bike shops who rely on SALES to pay their OH and expenses. Although I certainly believe “the more the merrier” when it comes to bike shops, pop-up repair stations such as the two in your neighborhood better be ready if/when the new bike supply shores up or else understand their business may be transitory. However, my LBS owner states the problem is far from over. So I’ll be limping along with ‘ol Betsy until I can get my hands on a new one. **Cue FIRE-induced patronizing sermon against buying new bikes, cars, toothbrushes, etc.**

        • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

          These aren’t pop-up, they’re full brick/mortar stores. And they do have some new bikes for sale and more coming in. Surly & Niner are shipping bikes and one shop had shiny new ones. It’s not all doom and gloom. I see more cyclist than ever each ride I do and it warms my heart

  2. i remember a friend of a friend tried to get me into a phone service MLA back in the early 90’s when i wasn’t making much money. even her being hot couldn’t hook me in! that’s one of the few times i didn’t fall for the hottie ruse.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      “the hottie ruse”… haha yeah what guy hasn’t fallen for that. Whistling… walking away….

  3. The Duzer is the best, if there was ever an ambassador of cycling and spreading the stoke on life it is him. Also it is now mandatory to sign through every tunnel 🙂

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Ambassador is the perfect word for him and he’s a damn good one, especially for the digital age!

  4. DenverOutdoorsGal says:

    Thanks for introducing me to Van Duzer. He lives right in my backyard. He gives off a great vibe!

  5. Jim says:

    Thanks for the Van Duzer video. It’s a rare treat to be around that type of energy. I see it pop up from time to time. It’s usually outdoors, and it’s usually someone who has achieved some mastery over a thing they love doing.

  6. Delighted with the feature Dave – glad you enjoyed it!

    Interestingly enough I came across the same video a few weeks ago (don’t recall how) and was mightily impressed with what an ibex would do for some salt. Reminds me of many people and their attitudes towards money 🙂

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      HA, hilarious. I hope they don’t lick the money when they find it, I hear it has all sorts of nasty stuff on it!

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