The Answer To The Hectic Life

I did a nice beach road trip recently to some of the Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia beaches.  In my usual fashion of being active I packed the trip with cycling, running, kayaking, standup paddleboarding, a horrible attempt at traditional surfing, swimming, and some fishing to relax.

It was an amazing trip but I was excited to get home when it was over.  When I finally did get home, my stress-meter was instantly cranked up to 11 and things became hectic.



Being that I travel with tons of gear and use it, I usually dread getting home from trips a bit.  My bike will be filthy, my kayak and paddling gear will be wet and stinky, my clothes the same.  Inevitably something will have broken on the trip (this time it was a skeg line on my kayak), and I’ll have gear to repair. 

These are first world problems for sure, actually problems of a playboy who likes to, well, play.  But I take care of my stuff and want it to last, so no matter how you look at it I still have to deal with these things. 

I was already dreading the unpacking process, but when I got to my house I was greeted with a shit-show.  While I was gone we had big thunderstorms that knocked branches off a tree which broke some of my fence boards.

My patio, which is my private outdoor shangri-la, was covered in debris, mud, and leaves. Meanwhile every ant in a 5 mile radius had apparently converged on my patio while I was gone and I had 8 or 9 massive ant hills.  They pull up the sand and base material below the pavers and create permanent damage, it looks like this.  

I was starting to get stressed but my fence and patio issues were just the start…



hecticI then turned on my computer to find my internet was down.  After spending a good while trying to pinpoint the problem and checking if there were outages in my area using my cellphone I concluded that my modem had stopped working.  Wonderful.  

At this point I was starting to lose it a bit, so I needed to calm down.  I decided to unpack my gear as that was something I could at least control.  I went to my basement and found a modest infestation of crickets in my laundry room, jumping around as if they were sent there to mock me and my situation.  Delightful.

To cap off this now hectic and comical shit-show, a little while later I noticed there was a snake in the window well of my below ground basement window, on the outside of the house thankfully.  But I was still going to have to extricate the bastard. 

At this point I sort of felt like the Michael Douglas character in the movie “Falling Down“.  I was considering going on a rampage.  Well, not really but the thought crossed my mind for a second.  

The final straw… when I sifted through the pile of mail that had accumulated while I was gone I had a summons for jury duty.  It must have arrived right after I left as I was supposed to report the very next day.


Problems… Haha

Let me be clear, to those of you who have kids who occasionally break bones or a very sick parent or relative, these “bad” things I came home to that stressed me out probably make you laugh.  “Ha, big effing deal, try some real problems on buddy”, you may be thinking. 

I get it, and I’m not claiming these are major life problems.  But, these are the annoying stressors of life that constantly poke at us and sometimes pile up to make life a hectic mess.  And if you combine these stressors on top of bigger problems they can be the things that push us over the edge. 

At a minimum they can keep our stress and cortisol levels high enough to make us unhealthy and sick.  The comedy of problems I came home to from my vacation did stress me out a bit, but then I used my ace in the hole.



hecticAs I started planning out which problem I was going to deal with first, I reminded myself of my secret weapon.  “Dude, you only work 20 hours a week and have total control over when those hours happen.  And you’re financially independent.  This will be cake.” 

If I had still been working 45 hours a week and commuting these problems would have taken forever to get to.  And I would have addressed them in an exhausted, zombie state of mind late in the evenings after being beat down from another crappy day of work. 

But I was able to delay my return to work another two days and knock them all out in succession.  What was very hectic became no big deal in short order.  The one exception was the snake of course, I took care of him that night, before he found a way into the house. 

So this is a friendly reminder that when you’re having one of those days it should motivate you to focus on financial independence even more.  Because once you’re FI you can go part time like I did, or early retire completely.  Or you could start a lifestyle business where you control your own time, or simply volunteer and do what’s meaningful to you. 

And you’ll have plenty of time to deal with ants, snakes, crickets, broken fences, broken cable modems, and jury duty.


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Dave @ Accidental FIRE

I reached financial independence and semi-retired in my mid-40's through hard work, smart living, and investing. This blog chronicles my journey and explores many aspects of personal finance including the psychological and behavioral factors that drive our habits.

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24 Responses

  1. wow! that’s a lot of poop stuffed into one small sack. hard to believe it all fit. at least you got a nice long vacation.

    we just had our annual smidlap-con in the mountains of the adk and needed to come home and de-stress. and we didn’t even try surfing.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      If there is surfing the Daks then damn I’d love it even more. Surfing is hard dude, no wonder those pro guys are sculpted like greek statues, it’s a workout!

  2. Trish says:

    Coming home from a trip…laundry and cleaning out the car. Ugh!
    But I am a real weirdo, (above and beyond pursuing FIRE,) I like jury duty. I have been on a federal and local jury and would serve again. Fortunately I had jobs that paid jury pay so I didn’t lose any $$ when I was out of work. Sure, it can be boring, but also entertaining. I learned several things during both trials, so it was paid education. The joke says that a jury is made up of 12 people who weren’t smart enough to get out of jury duty, but I found that both juries had civic minded people who really wanted justice served. Take reading material to jury selection if you do get called.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      I did serve on a jury a long time ago and found it interesting. Like you I learned a lot about how the low-level legal system works which was cool. But too darn much sitting around and waiting. This time I didn’t get called.

  3. Steveark says:

    I’m trying to feel how those minor annoyances could cause anything resembling stress and…nah, just can’t get there. Of course in my case my carpenter and landscaping wife would fix the fence, patio and pavers (and we don’t have basements in Arkansas) and only ask me to take care of the snake and the internet, which I’d think were both fun pursuits. It’s division of labor, she loves wood and yard work and I love hunting and all things electronic. I’d fix the kayak too since I’m in charge of our bass boat maintenance.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      They caused stress because they were all presented to me at once, it’s as simple as that. An in addition it was at a time when I wanted to relax after a long trip and a really long drive home, which was stressful in itself like all drives.

  4. Jw says:

    I have kids with special needs and I think I would have a melt down if I got hit with everything at once like you did!

  5. I went for a 1 H 35 M swim this morning. On a Tuesday. Just sayin’….


    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      You’re killing it with the swimming dude. And I put in a modest 25 miles on the bike today in the woods. Glorious Tuesday indeed

  6. Joe says:

    Yikes, that’s a lot of problems in one shot. I was afraid our house would be a mess after leaving for 10 weeks, but things were okay. Whew! There were some dog poops on the yard and a bunch of dead plants, but we took care of them. Mrs. RB40 had the summer off so she was home to help as well. Extra time is great.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Ha, I have inconsiderate neighbors too but can deal with some dog poop. 10 weeks is a long time. At some point when I’m gone real long I ask a friend to check on the house, Water heaters do break

  7. Andrea says:

    This is why I love renting. When a tree fell over on my duplex in the middle of a midnight windstorm a couple years ago, I put in a work order and the tree was removed, windows replaced and roof/gutters fixed by 5pm when I got home from work the next day. I keep attempting to buy but it always comes down to this. I don’t want to deal with that shit… Sorry you had to- especially after a long, fab vacay. I would have packed it in at the snake sighting!! How do you solve that ant problem?

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Renting does has clear and distinct advantages, especially when it comes to fixing stuff. As for the ants, I usually deploy a lot of outdoor traps, I just hadn’t done it this summer yet because I didn’t notice too man of them. Then they decided to have a rave when I went away, haha.

  8. Jim says:

    Dang Dave, those varmints sure have it out for you! Glad you were able to rid your property of them, one thing I saw you were missing is Armadillo’s. I’ve caught 13 of them this summer. They’re nasty to look at, but even worse to witness the destruction they can do to a yard during the time it takes to make 1 minute rice! Hope you had a great trip!

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Armadillos are something we in the East do not have deal with. Sounds like they’re a formidable foe 🙂

  9. rayanmiller6303 says:

    Hi Dave,
    I think you and I mean this with love should talk to someone about this. Perhaps you have in writing it all down here?
    Good to see you understand these are all first world problems.
    I only say this because at some point life and Murphy will really strike and this will look like just what it is, nothing,,,

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Oh I’m aware, I’ve been to more 3rd world countries than most folks including Afghanistan so I have a good perspective about it. Like anyone I can get caught up in stressors that while annoying are really laughable in a broader context.

  10. Liz says:

    I have learned to have my return to work outfit set aside so that is 1 non stressor upon returning (vs having to do laundry). I’ve had flight delays so I do tend to have jeans & a sweater packed should I ever need to go straight to work.
    Top tip, pack a swim suit in your carry on, incase you get.bumped and they stick you on a hotel with a pool. Also pack pj’s and fresh socks brighten a mood!

    That does sound like a lot all at once. I appreciate you sharing how you are able to pivot your perspective to the positive. FI sure helps! Sounds like you also had a LOT of fun on vacation!

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Thanks for some of the tips, I do have some of my own such as keeping spare underwear and socks in strategic places in case of missing bags. I also pack healthy food to snack on since airports only have junk. The joys of travel 🙂

  11. Mr. Tako says:

    Well, that was surely a bunch of fun to come back to after vacation! Life likes to throw these problems at us continually, and I gripe and complain just like the next person… but really after you’re financially independent these things are a cakewalk. Having time to deal with it all makes a world of difference!

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Yep, time is the magic solution. In your case I imagine having time to get settled after a big move is amazing, vice having to work!

  12. Mr Fate says:

    Wow! Now that is quite a number of pesky things to deal with simultaneously and good on your for keeping, relatively, calm and then dealing with each in a measured and methodical fashion.

    I’m prolly worse, I can get atwitter about the most trivial of things and when I feel my blood pressure rising, say to myself, “dude, you have one of the most fortunate, charmed lives on the planet, so shut the F up, deal with it and move on.”

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