T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 83

Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #83!

Here are some things I really like and that you might too.


Financial Independence/Retirement Articles

Proof Of Work (Of Dollars And Data) – “People will continue to believe that there is an easier way.

How Much Money? (Slightly Early Retirement) – “…the happiest retirees have a half a million dollar retirement nest egg, or larger.



The beluga cant decide if he wants to try to eat the seagull, the seagull refuses to fly away, and both mess with the dead fish but don’t eat it.  Is this all just play?  I love nature.


Who’s Inspired Me

Savannah the dog.

On May 21st of this year Savannah became the first dog to walk around the world.  No she didn’t do it alone, her owner Tom Turcich did it with her.  It took them seven years.  But Turcich was the 10th man to walk around the world, I mean, c’mon.  So what (tounge in cheek).  But to be the first is amazing and pioneering.  She nearly died from a tick bite on the journey and was held up at knifepoint with her owner.  But she persevered.  Dogs are inspiring, is there anything they can’t do? 

This article details the story and has a nice 4 minute video about the journey that was made in 2020 while they were still on it.


What I’m Grateful For

That I was able to sell my 2004 Canon Digital Elph camera, all 4 megapixels of her.  A guy who refuses to let his son have a smartphone bought it for him so he could learn to take pictures without all of the nasties that come with a smartphone.  I’m stoked that my first digital camera will give joy to another and live on for a while.


Lyrically Speaking

Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow
Don’t stop, it’ll soon be here
It’ll be better than before
Yesterday’s gone, yesterday’s gone

From “Don’t Stopby Fleetwood Mac

It says something about a band when someone not considered a superstar member still wrote such mega-hits as “Don’t Stop”, “Say You Love Me”, “Over My Head”, “You Make Loving Fun”, “Songbird”, “Little Lies’, and “Everywhere”. Christine McVie wrote all of those songs, songs so successful that you hear them in stores and on TV commercials.  Such was Fleetwood Mac, a band so packed with talent that an artist as gifted as McVie could be overshadowed.  Christine McVie died on Wednesday at the age of 79 after a short illness.  She was a crucial cog in the machine that was Fleetwood Mac, and she will be missed. 

The lyrics from “Don’t Stop” while seemingly trite on the surface relate to your money.  To save money and prepare for tomorrow you have to think about tomorrow, and how damn good it can be.  If you make it.



Red meat is not a health risk. New study slams years of shoddy research (audio version of article included)“Health scientists at the University of Washington scrutinized decades of research on red meat consumption and its links to various health outcomes, introducing a new way to assess health risks in the process.

Seabin: How these “floating garbage bins” can help clean up our waters – “Each Seabin, or a floating garbage bin, is capable of capturing 90,000 plastic bags every year for less than $1 a day.”

Gold Coin Pre-Dating First English Explorers Found on Newfoundland Beach – “Researchers have now dated the coin to the early 1400s..

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Dave @ Accidental FIRE

I reached financial independence and semi-retired in my mid-40's through hard work, smart living, and investing. This blog chronicles my journey and explores many aspects of personal finance including the psychological and behavioral factors that drive our habits.

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8 Responses

  1. There’s a great interview with Tom Turcich on The Adventure Podcast

  2. i really enjoyed the proof of work piece. i made a lot of money with some tech stocks just because i bought most of those businesses in ’16 and ’17. even with the precipitous drops the best ones are still way up but i do feel badly for the ones chasing the performance into ’21 when they were all frothy. then the shares went down and i’ll bet many of them stopped. the underlying businesses continue to expand and perform and i haven’t sold any of them. it is hard to watch/wait though.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      I like Nick’s blog, I don’t check in too often but when I do I usually find something worth reading

  3. Just came across your content recently. I really like your content and just subscribed to be alerted to future posts. Thanks for the helping other like minded FIRE folks!

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Cool, welcome and feel free to dig into old stuff, I have over 500 posts – thanks for subscribing!

  4. Hey Dave, that’s a fascinating story of the man and his dog walking around the world, thanks for sharing. You better believe Christine McVei will be missed and, if Fleetwood Mac still tours it will never be the same, she is irreplaceable. Have a great week!

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      I wonder if they will tour anymore, they already kicked Lindsey out and now with Christie gone it seems they have some big decisions to make. Cheers!

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