T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 120

Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #120!

Here are some things I really like and that you might too.


Financial Independence/Work Life/Retirement Articles

The Edge Of Discipline (Happily Disengaged) – “The thought of financial independence to a daydreamer is kind of like a drug. It eases the pain of unhappiness at work.

Three requirements to retire early (Early Retirement Extreme) – “To successfully retire early, you need to fill these three requirements.



Enjoy this mesmerizing high-res and slow motion footage of a cheetah in full run. How she keeps her head so stabilized when her body is moving so much is beyond incredible..


What I’m Grateful For

Baseball. As life continually sped up over the past 20-30 years with the technology revolution, baseball simultaneously lost popularity. It’s a slow game, and in America football long surpassed it in fandom. Last year MLB put in a pitch clock to shorten up games and it’s working. But it’s still baseball, and still a slower game. I’ve been enjoying listening to games as I feel it slows down the pace of this crazy life we’re all living. And my Orioles are damn good and fun to watch.


Lyrically Speaking

I gotta quit this job
cause its just not who I am anymore
gotta go for broke
cause I couldn’t be more broke than I am now

From “Nothing Good To Show For It” by Marwood

Regular Lyrically Speaking readers know I like me some sad Americana music.  Todays feature delivers with a nice slow jam from Marwood.  It’s virtually impossible to find out much about this band online, but their apparently only full-length release, 2006’s One Mile Down The Road is really great.  Fans of indie rock and Americana will likely dig this record as there are some real gems on it.  My favorite song is “Same Mistake Again” which has a catchy chorus sung in a desperate falsetto with lyrics many of us have possibly said to ourselves once or twice. 

As for the lyrics above, I suspect tens of millions of Americans say them everyday. Financial independence has lots of room to grow.

* On a somber note guitar legend Duane Eddy died this week. I have a red Gretsch Country Gentlemen like his and will play it this weekend in his honor.



Last century, we extended our lives. This century, we need to shorten our deaths. – “The primary reason for the lifespan-healthspan gap is the rise of chronic disease fueled by unhealthy lifestyle choices. Cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, and chronic respiratory conditions account for 80% of chronic disease-related mortality.”

Exercise twice as effective as anti-depressants – “Walking or jogging at least two to three times a week was considered the best way to improve symptoms of depression, researchers revealed.”

How a NASA Probe Solved a Scorching Solar Mystery – “The outer layers of the sun’s atmosphere are a blistering million degrees hotter than its surface. The hidden culprit? Magnetic activity.


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Dave @ Accidental FIRE

I reached financial independence and semi-retired in my mid-40's through hard work, smart living, and investing. This blog chronicles my journey and explores many aspects of personal finance including the psychological and behavioral factors that drive our habits.

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8 Responses

  1. hooray for baseball!

  2. That’s my song! And never thought about baseball that way. Neve been a fan of attending sports games, I’d rather play them, however taking time to watch the game and slow down is a nice respite from the go-go world.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      I prefer playing too and used to play in softball leagues but listening to a game is so nostalgic of my younger years, when life was slower.

  3. Noel says:

    Im grateful for baseball too. I also like an orange and black team, though on the other coast. Nothing like listening to it on the radio while your working on your car or a project. I’ve also enjoyed the slow game of baseball too, being able to get up and miss a few moments is pretty nice. Another slow game with ebbs and flows is soccer, I got into it a bit later in life but noticed right away the slow low scoring similarities. Thanks for the shout out

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Giants fan another old-school team. And I want to get more into soccer but only have so much time that I can spend doing passive things. I like that soccer doesn’t have commercials though 🙂

  4. des chutes says:

    #3 in that post of ERE Jacob’s is perennially interesting.
    I wonder how long I will reckon with this feeling that I should be contributing more since my skillset is actually needed… I’m starting to think it’ll be forever!

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