T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 122

Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #122!

Here are some things I really like and that you might too.


Financial Independence/Work Life/Retirement Articles

We’re All Just Living the Habit Life (Budget Life List) – “…tracking finances was one of the best ways to get my personal finances on track and going in a green and growing direction.

We Are All Surrounded by Immense Wealth (Raptitude) – “Measuring from zero helps us keep perspective.



Let’s talk Octopuses.  Imagine they never existed in Earth’s oceans and we humans never saw one.  Then in the future we find life on another planet.  If that interstellar life was like the octopus in the video below we would not be surprised at all, it’s what we’d expect.  These things are friggin aliens!!  Make sure you get to the very end where he matches his camo to the coral so well it’s kinda scary.


What I’m Grateful For

That Aldi sells pistachios for $4.99 a pound.  The simple things in life…


Lyrically Speaking

When Saturday comes, I’m gonna lose myself
When Saturday comes, I’m like everybody else
I might get a little crazy
I’m gonna drink some whiskey
Let me be

From “Saturday’s Song” by Hiss Golden Messenger

Hiss Golden Messenger is a band and the de-facto stage name for Michael Carrington (or M.C.) Taylor from Durham North Carolina.  Taylor has released 15 studio albums and EPs under the moniker dating back to 2008.  It’s Americana music with a heavy folk/R&B influence and perfect for long drives in the country or mountains.  As with all indie artists I highlight, if you like their music please support them on Bandcamp

The lyrics above always make me smile when I hear the song because it’s basically how most Americans behave.  They get crazy on the the weekend because it’s their blessed two day reprise from the misery of their working life.  I escaped that fate when I went down to 20 hours a week over 6 years ago and I now look forward to most weekdays.  It’s a 100% step-up in quality of life.



Resistance training partially reverses some of the hallmarks of aging type II muscle fibers – “Age-related muscle declines are not as inevitable as you might think.

Electric ‘Ripples’ in the Resting Brain Tag Memories for Storage – “New experiments reveal how the brain chooses which memories to save and add credence to advice about the importance of rest.

Detroit killed the sedan. We may all live to regret it – “GM ending production of the Chevy Malibu is the latest sign that the Big Three are done with sedans.


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Dave @ Accidental FIRE

I reached financial independence and semi-retired in my mid-40's through hard work, smart living, and investing. This blog chronicles my journey and explores many aspects of personal finance including the psychological and behavioral factors that drive our habits.

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14 Responses

  1. Josie says:

    What a great video, especially for anyone who read Remarkably Bright Creatures!

  2. Noel says:

    Octopuses are definitely aliens…and quite tasty too!

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      You had to go there, haha!

      • Joe says:

        A restaurant near our house makes a delicious octopus platter. I haven’t order it for a long time, though. In recent years, I learned more about octopuses. They are very intelligent and have individual personalities. I feel bad eating them now.

        • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

          I’ve never had octopus but I hear ya Joe, everyone has to make their own decisions

  3. Great article on resistance training – I just shared it with my Retirement Mastermind group!

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      I’m doing much more of it this year and for a guy with skinny cycling arms that’s a good thing

  4. Wish there wa an Aldi’s near us..I thought Trader Joe’s was a good deal but can’t find any fancy nuts there anymore! Side tip, I’ve found freezing or refrigerating your nuts and legumes keeps them fresh way longer, in case you shell out more at Costco (pun intended)

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Put your nuts in the freezer! And legumes! I will never mature, there’s no hope for me….

  5. Thank you for having me at the tippy top today!

  6. des chutes says:

    I just finished watching “My Octopus Teacher” – it combines 3 things I like/am interested in: Octopi, South Africa and free-diving. Didn’t realize the common octopus only lives a year or two, just long enough to (as with many creatures) procreate.
    Have you seen the “Dumbo” deep-sea octopus footage? It’s quite something.

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