T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 125

Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #125!

Here are some things I really like and that you might too.


Financial Independence/Work Life/Retirement Articles

Money Buys Happiness? (Life In FIRE) – “Over and over, I keep hearing and reading that “money doesn’t make you happier.”  Are they doing it wrong?”

It’s not just you. Your coworkers really are getting more annoying (Fast Company) – “According to new research, these are the five most aggravating habits your colleagues have—and how to deal with them effectively.”



Regulars know I’m a massive Courtney Dauwalter fan.  Hands down she’s the GOAT of ultra running.  She has no coach and doesn’t even follow a training plan, but she’s always positive and full of stoke. I normally put shorter videos here but this recent release about Dauwalter’s amazing 2023 summer is well worth the time and got me fired up. In a world that continually seeks more comfort and convenience and purposely avoids physical activity and hard things (with predicable results), seeing what Dauwalter does is inspirational. 


What I’m Grateful For

That someone bought my sizable cassette tape collection on Craigslist. It was a bit difficult to see them go from a sentimental perspective, and I didn’t expect much interest but apparently there’s a small cult of eclectic collectors out there. Getting rid of stuff can be hard, especially considering I spent many nights lying on my bed as a confused teenager listening to those tapes. 


Lyrically Speaking

Mommy wants you to be a doctor
So she can tell her friends you’re like your father
And if it’s all for the sake of conversation
Then maybe you should try a new vocation

From “Saved By A Waif” Alvvays

When Alvvays released their first album I dismissed them because of their name. It came out when seemingly every new band had to have an annoying spelling anomaly in their name, akin to tech companies. I hate trends and trendy things and prefer artists and people who follow their own muse. Turns out I like Alvvays, despite their annoying name.  They’re an interesting mix of indie rock, with some post-punk, twee-rock, and jangle rock.  That’s a lot of genres but they pull if off.  They also tend toward more clever lyrics and well-written songs than many other bands.  Alvvays have three full length albums, if you like them support them on Bandcamp.

As for the lyrics above, I have a few Indian and Asian friends and they can all relate.



Exercise brain boost can last for years – “High-intensity interval exercise improves brain function in older adults for up to 5 years.

Immunotherapy Is Changing Cancer Treatment Forever – (audio option available, possible paywall) “His brain tumor was a hopeless case. Then an experimental medicine made it melt away.

Frozen mammoth skin retained its chromosome structure – “Features as small as 50 nanometers preserved in a 50,000-year-old sample.


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Dave @ Accidental FIRE

I reached financial independence and semi-retired in my mid-40's through hard work, smart living, and investing. This blog chronicles my journey and explores many aspects of personal finance including the psychological and behavioral factors that drive our habits.

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14 Responses

  1. i hope you got some big steam for those cassette tapes. i’m guessing our collections overlap quite a bit and mrs. smidlap has done pretty well selling ours.

    speaking of annoying coworkers. i have issue with the new lingo and buzzwords. we just hired a new maintenance coordinator. she sent out a ridiculous memo (why am i getting this?) to the whole division saying she would be “reeling in these projects” and thanking the 40 years employee who held down the fort, telling all of us to give him a pat on the back when we see him. i was tempted to reply all something like “you do realize you sent that note to the whole division and some of us are adults, right?!” but i let it slide and shared the laugh privately.

    • Steve says:

      People have been “reeling” things in since at least the 80s: “to get control of something or someone, sometimes by offering something in exchange” (dictionary.cambridge.org). I agree that most of the new slang is odd, but thankfully most of it dies out relatively quickly. I think we’re in trouble if people are still saying “skibidi” and “sigma” in 10 years, but it might be too late as 20-somethings have started borrowing “let them cook” from teens.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      The guy gave me about a buck a tape which I know is a much lower rate than I could get for each one individually. But I insisted on selling the whole lot and not break it up, so I had to price it that way. No way in hell I was gonna take the time to sell individually – the pictures, listings, pricing etc, that would be a massive time investment. Even if it netted me more cash the time spent would more than take that money away. I did keep my Beatles tapes tho, couldn’t let them go 🙂 As for your coworker, I could compile some stories from government morons that would have you laughing for weeks. The “Reply All” wars alone – which still sometimes happen, are enough to make you wonder if we just employ savants.

  2. Chris says:

    How can you not love her energy and that smile. Inspiring as always and a good boost for my alpine run planned tomorrow morning. Cheers

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      She’s the best, in so many ways. Good luck tomorrow – channel your inner Courtney!

  3. Mary says:

    I’ve toying with the idea of getting back into running after a long hiatus but am in my 50s and was wondered if I was getting too old. Then I saw that Courtney’s 66 year mom has taken up ultramarathons! Guess I better pop out and buy a new pair of running shoes.

  4. Those lyrics are so true. Glad you got someone to buy those tapes. Something comforting about those simpler times, when I also would lay down and listen to my Sony boombox and not check my phone or worry about ever ding that came from it!

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      I too long for those simpler days in many ways. But I also realize how friggin amazing life in 2024 is and try to temper those sentimental thoughts. It’s good to reminisce sometimes but I think for best mental health we need to be here now. Now is the only time that is real 🙂

  5. JSD says:

    Been listening to Alvvays all day since I read your post. Thanks for yet another great band to add to my playlist!

  6. Susan at FIIdeas says:

    Wow, that video of Courtney Dauwalter is so inspiring and heartwarming. Thanks! I just got back from my 6 day pack trip and summitted Mt. Whitney! So this type of thing speaks to me uniquely right now. I loved that part when she says that it felt like someone pulled her plug out of the wall. I was listening to the audiobook “Endure” prior to my trip and the image I had was to smile as long as you can. It gives you energy to push when you feel out of breath and need to dig deep.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      CONGRATS on your Whitney summit Susan, so awesome! As for smiling, I agree. I heard a scientist of some sort on a podcast years ago say that the act of smiling alone can change how you feel in most situations and can also affect others in a contagious sort of way. I need to keep trying that trick more often!

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