T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 127

Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #127!

Here are some things I really like and that you might too.


Financial Independence/Work Life/Retirement Articles

Good Enough for Me (Humble Dollar) – “I’m cheap, frugal, thrifty, a tightwad, know the value of a dollar. My inclination is always to buy the cheapest of everything. Cheap often makes sense, but not always.

74% of Americans say celebrating life’s big moments interferes with their financial well-being, Achieve survey finds (PR Newswire) – “Nearly three in four Americans (74%) find that the cost of celebrating major life milestones with their family and close friends affects their financial well-being. Yet most are loath to share their feelings and concerns with loved ones.”



It’s time once again for nature porn! Enjoy the jaw-dropping beauty of Fishlake National Forest in Utah now in 8k (because 4k is slumming it now apparently). For all that is holy do not watch this on your phone – go to your big screen!

FISHLAKE National Forest 8K from More Than Just Forests on Vimeo.


What I’m Grateful For

The many friends and family who came to show love and support for a recent death in my family. 


Lyrically Speaking

Feral feeling, swaying sound
But I don’t know what you want
I am open and I am restless
Let me feel it out
Let it all come out

From “Alligator” by Of Monsters And Men

Of Monsters and Men are from Iceland.  I loooove Iceland.  I first visited there in 1997 with my two best friends in my misspent youth and we raised a bit of hell.  Musically Iceland is probably most known to be the home of Bjork and Sigur Ros.  Of Monsters And Men burst on the scene in 2011 and even though they’ve only made three full length albums to date, they made a big splash.  Lead singer Nanna Bryndís Hilmarsdóttir drives their sound with a powerful voice that creates some anthemic tunes and melodies.  They incorporate electronics strategically and sparsely, keeping a mostly rock and indie sound. 

As for the lyrics above, well they’re kinda cryptic.  I’ve had a rough 2024 so far, and I’m feeling restless, like some changes are coming.  I should just let it all come out.



Type 2 diabetes can be prevented by diet and exercise even in individuals with a high genetic risk – “A new study shows that a healthy diet and regular exercise reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes even in individuals with a high genetic risk. In other words, everyone benefits from lifestyle changes, regardless of genetic risk.

At its core, life is all about play − just look at the animal kingdom– “Darwin wrote that natural selection creates “endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful.”

The future of data centers — on land, at sea, and in space– “We need more data centers for AI. Developers are getting creative about where to build them.

Studying the skin of the great white shark could help reduce drag in aircraft – “High-ridged denticles reduce drag at low speeds; alternating ridges do so at high speeds.


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Dave @ Accidental FIRE

I reached financial independence and semi-retired in my mid-40's through hard work, smart living, and investing. This blog chronicles my journey and explores many aspects of personal finance including the psychological and behavioral factors that drive our habits.

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10 Responses

  1. sorry for your lose, amigo.

  2. JSD says:

    Yeah man, sorry for your loss. And sorry 2024 has sucked. Look forward to hearing about how you let the changes come out.

    Also fish lake was spectacular, even in 720p.

  3. mrdamonb says:

    Sending condolences regarding your loss. May fond memories of happy times shared together bring you comfort in the moments of sorrow. And thank you for always finding something to be grateful for, even in the midst of Life’s challenges.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Thank you very much, finding gratitude can be challenging at times but we all need to try harder

  4. Sorry 2024 has been a tough year for you, Dave. Appreciate you keeping us fueled with awesome nature porn and “unknown” music (I enjoyed both today, thanks to you).

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Thanks dude and glad you like the post, and hey it’s only August. I’m determined to make the rest of ’24 good!

  5. Paul says:

    I feel for you, 2023 was our SUCK year, and brighter times returned in 2024! All the best for better days and some nature time Fish Lake looks like the kind of place to go!!

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Sorry to hear about your ’23, thanks for the well wishes and I’m doing my best to turn it around. Nature time is a big part of that 🙂

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