T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 136

Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #136!

Here are some things I really like and that you might too.


Financial Independence/Work Life/Retirement Articles & Content

Maxed Out: Inside America’s $1.14 Trillion Credit Card Debt Crisis (CNET) – “A complex web of policy, psychology and profit has consumers staring down record-high balances. Five everyday borrowers shared how they got here.



This underwater photographer caught some amazing footage of a humpback whale accidentally when he dropped his camera to the ocean floor.  Pretty amazing!


What I’m Grateful For

The messages I received in 2024 year from readers who somehow still like and appreciate my blog, despite my infrequent posts beyond my T.G.I.F. Fridays.  I passed my 7 year blogoversary in November and feel blessed.


Lyrically Speaking

Well the rich are gettin’ richer
And the poor are gettin’ drunk
In a black and white picture
There’s a lot of grey bunk

From “Asking Me Lies” by The Replacements

In February 1989 the Replacements released Don’t Tell A Soul.  In a very un-Replacements style they had some radio and chart success with the single “I’ll Be You” and some television appearances.  To many longtime Replacements fans this album was instantly detested for it’s melodic style and lean toward commercial success.  The one big change in the band was that original guitarist Bob Stinson was replaced by Bob “Slim” Dunlap.  So those longtime hardcore fans who hated the new sound kind of scapegoated Dunlap.  In reality Paul Westerberg, the leader and only songwriter in the band, was maturing and honing his writing into a more accessible and melodic style.  I was in high school when Don’t Tell A Soul came out and instantly fell in love with it.  It prompted me to go back and discover the 5 previous Replacements albums and become a fan for life.

Slim Dunlap died on December 18th at the age of 73 of complications from a stroke he had years earlier.  Dunlap has the distinction of being the very first artist I highlighted in my T.G.I.F. Posts, way back in issue #1 from October of 2019.  He wasn’t the flashiest guitarist or a renowned shredder but he contributed beautifully to each song what it needed.  R.I.P. Mr. Dunlap and thanks for the music. 



Tiny, daily bursts of vigorous incidental physical activity could almost halve cardiovascular risk in middle-aged women“An average of four minutes of incidental vigorous physical activity a day could almost halve the risk of major cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks, for middle-aged women who do not engage in structured exercise, according to new research”

Parker Solar Probe survives historic closest-ever flyby of the sun, NASA confirms“On Christmas Eve, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe flew closer to the sun than any human-made object ever — a stunning technological feat that scientists liken to the historic Apollo moon landing in 1969.”

Ozempic linked to rare cases of vision loss in Harvard study“Patients who took the drugs for weight loss were more than seven times more likely to be diagnosed with a stroke-like eye condition, known as NAION, than those taking other classes of drugs for obesity...


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Dave @ Accidental FIRE

I reached financial independence and semi-retired in my mid-40's through hard work, smart living, and investing. This blog chronicles my journey and explores many aspects of personal finance including the psychological and behavioral factors that drive our habits.

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14 Responses

  1. Andrew says:

    Hi Dave. I’m another who still appreciates your posts, despite the big intervals these days. I thought you may have finally given up before this latest one! Do please keep it up!

  2. Reese says:

    Happy New Year Dave! I have been reading your blog since the beginning, I think. Can’t remember how I found out about it but read it all every week; always good information. Hope you plan to continue for a long time.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Wow thanks for stickin with me for so long Reese, happy new year to you too and I appreciate your readership!

  3. Pete says:

    Happy New Year Dave! Yup, I still have your site bookmarked and check at least once a week to see what’s going on. Thanks for the posts.

  4. Steve says:

    Happy New Year! I’ve been here since nearly the beginning as well. I appreciate that while the style has changed a bit, the purpose/direction hasn’t been lost. And the nature porn that you post is better curated for me than the social media algorithms! Most of the FIRE blogs I used to follow have changed purpose and voice in the past ~5 years. Many of my old favorites have gone all-in on being click bait, or being extra-sensational. Keep up the good work!

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Click-bait and listicle-mania… haha yes so many of the best blogs of the FIRE blog hey-day (2017-8) went away unfortunately but some did turn into ridiculous parodies of the worst of online culture. Others now are simply written by Chat GPT. I will never do that, I’m always authentic and my pathetic pageviews can prove it! Thanks so much for your readership and nature porn for the win!

  5. Joe says:

    Happy New Year! Great whale footage.
    The consumer debt level is worrying. How long can consumers drive this economy?

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Well, that’s a damn good question Joe. Macro-economics is a voodoo discipline and it’s anyone’s guess, but I hope we as a society have a reckoning one day with our endless rampant consumerism. I can only hope…

  6. vanillagorilla says:

    Just checking in – another follower who appreciates the OG blogs that are still running. FI blogs showed me what was possible and boy was that ever valuable.

    We appreciate you!

  7. Josie says:

    Just back from Antarctica and Patagonia – nature at its finest! I’ve read your blog for years and especially appreciate all the different music you share. Music I never would have found on my own. Thank you!

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Sweet – I’ve been to Antarctica but only flew over and through Patagonia, it’s on my bucket list, I’m sure you had an amazing adventure. And so stoked that you like the music I write about, a decent part of me would like to become a music writer, haha! Thanks Josie!

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