How Absurdly Wealthy Did I Get Selling Graphic Designs In 2024?

It’s a new year and time to do my annual business review.  I changed the title this year to poke some fun at myself and the online hustle community where everyone (everyone who is on social media at least) seems to be getting rich and buying Lambos from their amazing business.  We all know reality is different.

If you’re not familiar with my story I semi-retired to 20 hours a week at my main job in 2017 after reaching financial independence years before.  Since then much of my newly freed time has been spent on what started as a fun side hustle and has turned into a nice little business of doing graphic design. 

Here’s my business earnings history by year:

  • 2017 – $1,136
  • 2018 – $2,751
  • 2019 – $7,143
  • 2020 – $14,932
  • 2021 – $20,743
  • 2022 – $19,642
  • 2023 – $18,268

As you can see I was more than doubling my earnings each year from 2017 – 2020, then in 2022 I had my first year of decline.  And then artificial intelligence entered the picture and well, things have changed…


Exciting, Scary, & Weird

In last years post I wrote about AI for the first time and how it’s been a massive disruptor in print-on-demand (POD) industry which is my primary way of making money selling artwork.  Unless you’ve been under a rock you know that AI is disrupting seemingly everything and its progression and influence only seem to be accelerating.  It’s exciting and scary at the same time, and the world is getting weird.

The POD websites and business I sell on faced continued pressure from AI in 2024.  They are flooded with new sellers who are solely using AI and pumping out hundreds and thousands of graphics at a time.  A large portion of these are kinda crappy, not so much in the artwork itself but in the fact that most AI sites only give a low resolution image that’s not really suitable to get enlarged on a t-shirt etc. 

So to maintain quality control the selling sites have had to beef up their algorithms and tools (and thus staff) to deal with it.  Not to mention their server capacity and infrastructure.  In sum all of this cuts into their profits, so in turn they have cut artist royalty rates, added artist fees, and or raised prices.  Artists like me are continually getting squeezed, and that’s life. 

To be clear, I am using AI.  To maintain competitiveness it’s essential.  But I’m an artist who can create without it and who built a business without it.  So I use AI for ideas, color palettes, and layouts, and rarely if ever use it as a sole provider of a graphic. 

Where this is all going I don’t know, but it’s clear that in graphic design (as well as music and many other artistic endeavors), the public will be increasingly appreciating and consuming art created by an algorithm on a server and not a human being.  I’m not really comfortable with that but no one asked me.  It’s all happening fast and right in front of our noses.

As if you needed any more evidence of the weird world AI is pushing us towards, here’s a conversational AI podcast about this blog post (the one you’re reading now) from two non-humans who seem very human and who really dig me, haha.  No actual human podcasters ever mention me or my blog, so at least I have these two.  I have cyborg fans!

So how much did I make in 2024?



Ok, enough about the crazy future of being ruled by robot overlords, let’s get to the money.  In 2024 my business made $15,082.  That’s a 17.4% decline from 2023. 


As with everything I try to find the positive and lo and behold I made exactly $22 more than the federal poverty line for an individual, which is $15,060.  What a weird coincidence. 

So I can go to bed thinking “Well it sucks that things have been declining but if this were still my only income I would not qualify as being below the poverty line, from selling art online…. A thing that wasn’t even a thing a mere decade and a half ago.”  

Life is still good 🙂

As I’ve shown in posts from previous years, here’s a chart of my monthly earnings in 2024:

How Absurdly Wealthy Did I Get Selling Graphic Designs In 2024?


Like many years prior December was my biggest month and the summer months are usually great for me since most of my designs are about cycling, climbing, paddling, and our national parks – things that go well with summer.    


Six Figure Artist

To date I have made $100,012 in my graphic arts business in total. 

Boom – I barely crested $100k!  It’s pretty cool that I’ve made six figures selling art online in 8 years.  

Here’s a chart of my total earnings by month since I started the business.

all time graphic design earnings


I’m still often astonished that I’ve been able to do this, especially coming from a career in a technical field.  We have more tools today to be creative and – if you choose – to make money from your creativity than ever before.  Yes AI is disrupting all of it but I’m gonna stay positive and have faith that we’ll figure it out.

The world is amazing, what a great time to be alive!

need little want less


The Joy Of Work

What started as a side hustle and then became a business is now slowly shrinking into a waning business.  I don’t know what the future holds for designers and the POD industry. 

But I do know that I enjoy the work, and finding work you enjoy is a blessing from on high.  So I will continue to design and try to sell my designs, because I know they motivate folks to get outside and be active.  And that makes me happy.


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Dave @ Accidental FIRE

I reached financial independence and semi-retired in my mid-40's through hard work, smart living, and investing. This blog chronicles my journey and explores many aspects of personal finance including the psychological and behavioral factors that drive our habits.

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20 Responses

  1. Kate says:

    I dig you Dave 👍🏻😊 ( read all your posts with enjoyment, and mention you in conversation) though ‘tis true am not a blogger, so sphere of influence somewhat limited.
    On the upside, however, am in UK so you can claim an International Reach!

    That AI conversation fascinating and unnerving in equal measure; its ‘generic’ quality (both in delivery and construction, and in the subject matter) made me think about real interaction with real people, how very deeply I value that and the things in my home and in my life which I have made myself, or have had made for me by friends – never generic and often a bit wonky* – which are so enhanced by being completely and utterly individual …
    … and also how incredibly useful and enhancing I find AI as a tool in my life.

    We’re really only at the foothills aren’t we?
    Very thought provoking – Thankyou.

    * the things and the friends!🤣

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Yes the AI podcast is kind of generic but it’s also pretty damn good for something that took 4 minutes to generate. And they’re only gonna get better, every day. But like you said it will never replace interactions with real people and eye contact and all the good things we need as humans. “At the foothills” is a great way to describe where we are, it’s a bit scary and exciting too – thanks for the great comment and for being a reader!

  2. Stan says:

    Dave – Very interesting post. I love your Retired and Inspired t-shirt. It is my go to gift for every friend when the retired from W2 World. To date, I have happily gifted 10 and hope to buy more in the future. Keep on Rockin’!!!

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      THANKS again for your t-shirt purchases Stan and it thrills me that folks are out there wearing my design. I owe you a beer and Happy New Year!

      • The Crusher says:

        My pleasure. I hope to buy 10 more over the next couple years as many of my friends retire at a more traditional retirement age (ugh).

        Please do NOT discontinue this beauty. I get positive comments all the time from complete strangers.

  3. Stacey Jansen says:

    Hi Dave,
    I enjoyed this blog and the podcast. Congrats on continuing to pursue your side hustle despite the impact of AI on the bottom line.

    The AI-generated podcast was both cool and scary. It was so real-sounding and thoughtful in how it summarized your blog and the scenario. The question during the podcast wrap-up was interesting, “How will we define art in the future?” coming from an AI-generated podcast. Which made me wonder, was there any tweaking of the blog to influence the podcast or did the podcast influence the final writing of the blog? How will we know how much the AI-generated podcast influenced the final blog post? Kidding, of course

    Keep doing what you enjoy!
    From a neighbor in NOVA.

    This comment was not written by AI.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Haha, the chicken-egg thing. I put my final post into the AI without the sentence that included the link to the podcast since I didn’t have it yet. But hearing AI talk about AI is pretty weird indeed. Let’s just hope it doesn’t become conscious. Hope you’re enjoying the snow as I am and Happy New Year Stacey!

  4. 15k is pretty sweet for something you enjoy. keep on rockin’ it.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Yeah it’s nothing to sneeze at in the grand scheme. I plan to rock ’25 and hope you do too!

  5. Chris Istace says:

    Still making enough to fund the bike budget is all that matters lol 🙂 Happy cycling in 2025

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Oh it more than funds bike stuff including parts/maintenance etc. And I could buy a very high end new bike with it but I keep trying to appreciate the bikes I have. For now 🙂

      Happy cycling to you too dude and thanks as always for stopping by!

  6. Pete says:

    Glad you’re FI and cannot be financially bothered by all of these changes. They are wild changes though. That AI generated podcast was… pretty good considering how little time it took to make.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Yep, and considering how fast they got to this level think of how good they’ll be in another year… thanks for stopping by!

  7. veronica says:

    Reader from Canada here ~ waves ~ so your blog truly is International.

    I’m struggling with a different issue. I think – hey, I need more face to face interaction. But when I go out and talk to actual people…, do some of them hold some very…um….hard to swallow ideas/opinions. So I end up scurrying back under my rock. Haven’t worked out how to get over that……

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      People are diverse indeed and that’s what make them great. Thanks for reading and giving me a Canadian fan!

  8. veronica says:

    Also, with respect to your business, everything (absolutely EVERYTHING) has a beginning, a middle and an end. People often fool themselves, or try to ignore, that there is an end. I think the trick is to acknowledge that an end is natural and to accept it with dignity and grace. Also, the end of something usually heralds the beginning of something else. What’s your next big thing Dave?

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Yes, so true. I have no misconceptions that this will go on forever. The folks who worked at Kodak probably thought that. Google, Amazon, Apple, they too will all have an end, just a bit further down the road than my business. I’ve already been getting into the health/fitness world but haven’t written about it yet since I’m still dancing around the edges. Life’s opportunities are endless!

  9. Joe says:

    AI is flooding the market in all area. Blogging is down a ton as well. I heard people use AI to flood the internet. It’s too bad, but that’s life. I’ll take the opportunity to transition into full retirement over the next few years. Keep creating!

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Yeah the number of blogs using Ai is increasing fast and the click-bait titles etc are getting worse, to the point of ridiculousness. How they get anyone to click on that stuff is beyond me, people are weird. You are still one of the originals Joe, and authentic!

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