Author: Dave @ Accidental FIRE


Work From Home Or Quit?

Bloomberg published an article recently (possible paywall) that made some waves.  The title of the article was Employees Are Quitting Instead of Giving Up Working From Home, and pretty much says it all. One passage that really stood out to...

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T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 44

Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #44! Here are some things I really like and that you might too.    Finance Articles Developing Systems To Conquer Your Early Retirement Fears (Can I Retire Yet) – “How much risk are...


What Am I Running From?

Recently I spent a blissful weekend backpacking on the Appalachian Trail with an old friend.  We had perfect weather and the trip was more than just good for me, it was therapeutic.  I could feel the stress and anxiety leaving...


My Financial Independence Diet

I’ve received numerous reader emails asking about my diet.  At first I thought this was a bit weird but one recent inquiry was from a person struggling with weight loss and who’s also trying to get into cycling. They said...

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T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 43

Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #43! Here are some things I really like and that you might too.    Finance Articles If Retiring at 30 is Scary, then Retiring at 60 is Terrifying (Trip Of A Lifestyle)...

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T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 42

Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #42! Here are some things I really like and that you might too.    Finance Articles We All Have a Time Machine, it’s Disguised as NOW (Financial Success M.D.) – “Every time...

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