Category: work

Celebrate Labor 10

Celebrate Labor

Yesterday was Labor Day.  Labor.  Work. Those of us who are financially independent likely achieved it through hard work.  The reality is that most wealthier people didn’t inherit their money, they earned it and saved it.  And we’re not striving...


I’m Slowly Losing My W2 Muscles

When I was in grade school I had a talent for drawing.  Or so that’s how my Mother dutifully described it at least.  I didn’t really agree, and was always upset at what I put on paper.  But there was...


The Horrors Of A Long Commute

In the early 1990’s I was fresh out of college and lucky to score a pretty low paying job at a small dotcom start up.  With unemployment at 7.5% I took what I got and didn’t have the luxury of...


I’m Not A Pothead But I Might Be A Burnout

The big work related news of the week is the World Health Organization has now officially listed burnout as an “occupational syndrome”. In the eleventh edition of the agency’s manual called the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), the WHO claims...


Are You Wealthy, Successful, And Miserable?

Every once in a while I read an article that touches on so many points relevant to financial independence that it must be shared. Charles Duhigg’s recent article in New York Times magazine titled “Wealthy, Successful, and Miserable” is one...

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