The Best Thing You’ll See Today
My blog is only two and a half months old and I’ve been trying to establish a rhythm. I’ve been putting out my main posts on Tuesdays which tend to be longer content, with an additional post on Fridays. The...
My blog is only two and a half months old and I’ve been trying to establish a rhythm. I’ve been putting out my main posts on Tuesdays which tend to be longer content, with an additional post on Fridays. The...
What does a net worth trajectory look like over time when it “accidentally” gets to financial independence? As discussed in my journey post, I never had the goal of getting to financial independence until, well, I got there. But I...
The cows were standing in the middle of the road somberly staring at our car, famished, ribs protruding out, barely looking alive. They clearly weren’t going to budge, and by the looks of them they likely didn’t have the energy. ...
This was the year I did it. As I sit here looking back on my 2017 and realize where I’m at now, I’m proud and grateful. Proud because I finally started to fully reap the benefits of the smart financial...
Modern media has a way of sensationalizing things, if you haven’t noticed. This is probably because it works, it’s good for views, which is good for advertising dollars. Combine that with the phenomenon of things going viral on social...
Let’s talk waste. For many, the “life cycle” of a Christmas gift might look like this. You find the right gift and buy the product on Amazon. Whatever the product, it’s likely wrapped in plastic bubble/box/wrap from the manufacturer. The...
In the realm of professional athletes, the big sports come to mind first for most folks. Football, baseball, basketball, etc….. the “stick and ball” sports. Then there are second and third-level sports such as cycling or maybe track and field...
*** THIS CONTEST IS CLOSED *** but please stay and read the amazing book review! It’s a unique skill to be able to take a complex subject and communicate it in an easily understood way. It’s an especially unique skill...
So Lifehacker ran this piece Friday about this sketchy loan company called Affirm. Apparently I missed one of their earlier pieces from September. I had never heard of this company since I’ve become an expert at completely ignoring advertisements in...
If you follow the online FIRE community you’ve no doubt read a blog post or two that said something like “anyone can retire early”, or “I retired at 30 and you should too!” Recently there’s been a lot of talk...
Today I have a short post with a strong message (I hope). This blog isn’t monetized so I’m definitely not going to get paid for trying to spread the #OptOutside message on Black Friday. REI, the huge outdoor retailer, is...
So if you’ve been following my story you know that I reached financial independence a couple of years ago and ‘semi-retired’ to part time employment this past October. You could call this a mini-retirement, sabbatical, work-detox, whatever. It’s been a...
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