Tagged: retirement


It’s Not Just A Great Resignation, It’s A Sea Change

I wrote about the Great Resignation last year, it’s been a popular topic especially in personal finance circles.  That post focused on the amount of new businesses being created while record numbers of “quits” were simultaneously recorded.  Resignations, or ‘quits’,...


Is This The Condition I So Feared?

I rounded a bend in the trail only to be faced with yet another steep climb on slippery and muddy terrain. I’d been hiking for 19 miles and should have come upon my planned campsite for the night, but it...


Taking Cues From MySpace Tom

Here I am, slowly approaching 4 years of early semi-retirement.  It blows my mind.  I’ve never been a planner in life, especially long term.  After a less than desirable childhood and let’s just call it a slow start, I’ve basically...


Let’s Celebrate Quitting

In 2012 Kathleen Edwards had it all.  She was a famous singer-songwriter with critically acclaimed albums and numerous music awards to her name.  You may have never heard of her, but Edwards was not a minor act.  She appeared on...

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