Tagged: side hustle


2020, The Year My Business Grew Up

For those not familiar with my story, I’m financially independent and semi-retired to 20 hours a week at my main job.  I’ve been working hard on what started as a side hustle and now is a full-fledged business since late...


History Of A Successful Side Hustle

Regular readers know that my main side hustle is not this blog but my graphic arts business.  And what a year it was. I set a goal to earn $6,000 this year ($500 a month average) and I’m ecstatic to...


Why Middle Age Is The Best

If I asked you what the average age of a successful startup founder was, what would you say? 25? 30?  If you’re like most, you probably guess a number under 35.  Start up lore is chock-full of young guns who...

Have Patience With Your Side Hustle 39

Have Patience With Your Side Hustle

As regular readers know my main side hustle right now is selling graphic designs online.  It’s something I really love, mainly because it’s 100% self-paced and almost completely passive.  I create a design and upload it to various websites, and...

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