2025 Activity Tracker
Cycling: 801 Miles
Running: 96 Miles
Hiking: 18 Miles
Paddling: 3 Miles
Climbing Days: 1
2024 Activity Tracker
Cycling: 5209 Miles
Running: 330 Miles
Hiking: 46 Miles
Paddling: 86 Miles
Climbing Days: 1
2023 Activity Tracker
Cycling: 5400 Miles
Running: 472 Miles
Hiking: 37 Miles
Paddling: 96 Miles
Climbing Days: 6
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- Dave @ Accidental FIRE on T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 141
- Chris on T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 141
- Dave @ Accidental FIRE on T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 141
- freddy smidlap on T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 141
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Turnip FIRE! Disclaimer:
Turnip FIRE! is like, real fake news. I mean, there’s fake news that’s meant to be real, and then fake news that’s meant to be fake. The fake news that’s meant to be real is like, actual fake news. Turnip FIRE! is fake fake news…. okay now I’m confused…. Anyhoo, don’t take any Turnip FIRE! stories seriously. Just don’t.
Hey, that might be good on a T-shirt. Ooh, problem is, it will cost me!
Leave it to me to try to sell to the very people who don’t buy. #doitthehardway 😉
i’ve been thinking of the irony of that! i want to sell to them anyhow. don’t go get that latte so you can afford my t-shirt. that’s an awesome graphic.
The price gap between latte’s and shirts has continuously been shrinking….
Anytime someone uses “Boo-yah” in their post, it draws me to read it. Nice job on the savings high!
Ha – thanks!
Ha. This is the best.
Nice job on the savings! Clearly the power of boo-yah is strong with you.
Great job with the saving. Let me know if you make a shirt out of it, I’ll definitely buy one!
I never thought of putting on a shirt! Maybe I will 😉
Hopefully others can work towards a lifestyle that affords them the simplicity of life that a chart like this actually represents.