Driving Around In Your Wealth-Draining Mercedes, An Analysis

Driving Around In Your Wealth-Draining Mercedes, An Analysis

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Dave @ Accidental FIRE

I reached financial independence and semi-retired in my mid-40's through hard work, smart living, and investing. This blog chronicles my journey and explores many aspects of personal finance including the psychological and behavioral factors that drive our habits.

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18 Responses

  1. a family friend drove me to the wine store in his fancy mercedes over thanksgiving. i’m glad i didn’t spill my glass of wine all over the leather.

    “he must be accomplished.” good one.

  2. Glad I finally figured this out years ago, man the amount of money I spent on my vehicles over the years YIKES !

  3. Mary says:

    What I’m thinking: Anyone can drive an expensive car if they want to spend half their salary on idiotic lease payments. I live in a middle class neighbourhood with nice middle class people. Everyone except me has a new Mercedes, BMW or Land Rover in the driveway every three years. They snicker at my eight year old Honda purchased years ago with cash and talk in terms of “but for only $679 a month, you could be driving a much nicer car.” I asked my dog and he said the view of the world looks the same no matter whose car windows you gaze through. And we both don’t get stressed about a few muddy paw prints or crumbs on the seats.

  4. Senior Crown says:

    No problem with the BMWs and Mercedes, even the nicer ones.
    Just buy them used. Really used – 9years +

    97% the same car feeling as a new one, maybe with less crap electronics and GPS spyware, which we don´t need anyway..
    You want this smell of new car ? Buy some interior cleaners and leather soap for a few bucks.
    Set aside ~$3000, just in case there is an unexpected repair. Still factor 5 cheaper than a new one.

    There is a funny calculation of an Austrian ex investment banker, driving Aston Martin ::)
    He shows that over a “car lifetime” he is better off than the typical buyer of a new crap model, even with that rediculous sports car, just by buying used..

  5. Mr. Tako says:

    There’s definitely truth to this one Dave! I was pretty lucky and never bought into the whole “impress people with a car” business.

    It just never made any sense to me.

  6. Joe says:

    I learn in high school that nobody cares what brand of sneakers you wear. That lesson held through the cars. 🙂

  7. Pool Shark says:

    Whenever I see a new Tesla Model S, Mercedes, BMW or Maserati, I think:
    If you have to finance such a vehicle, you can’t afford it and it will ultimately damage you financially.
    If you CAN afford such a vehicle, you could have gotten much better value buying something else if not for your vanity.
    In either case, I’m thinking how stupid the driver is.

  8. GenX FIRE says:

    I live on the gold coast, coastal town between New Haven, CT and NYC. There are SOOOO many of those cars in this area, it’s insane! I can confirm, aside from the cool sports cars (hey I’m the son and grandson of car guys) which I wish I was driving, I then to back to GTF out of my way, etc…

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