Announcing The 2020 Dumpster Fyre Festival

Announcing The 2020 Dumpster Fyre Festival

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Dave @ Accidental FIRE

I reached financial independence and semi-retired in my mid-40's through hard work, smart living, and investing. This blog chronicles my journey and explores many aspects of personal finance including the psychological and behavioral factors that drive our habits.

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13 Responses

  1. Team CF says:

    Hehehe, nice one…..Albeit I should be crying 😉

  2. live video! yes. 2 shitty candidates, yes.

  3. Steveark says:

    It is a measure of how spoiled we all are that we see 2020 as a bad year. My parents grew up in the Great Depression when finding enough to eat was a real problem for millions. My dad lost fingers on a WWII warship fighting in the Pacific and literally did not know from day to day if his ship would get blown out of the water by a suicide pilot or a torpedo. My parents are gone now but that generation would think that nothing on the list for 2020, so far, would even qualify as a bad day.

  4. I agree with Steveark to a point. We are a bit spoiled to think what we are going through is so much worse than what are parents and grandparents have gone through, but shouldn’t we have worked our way out of most of that by now? It’s 2020 for crying-out-loud! And this is what we are down to? These crappy candidates, Murder Hornets, the flippin’ Kardashians? I agree, a Dumpster Fyre Festival is the way to go!

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Haha, well tickets are on sale now and the festival has a good 6 and half months to go!

  5. Leah D Hanson says:

    No mention of having a fire permit for your Dumpster Fyre. I don’t have one either, although I am constantly ‘burning up’ over all the BS going on now.
    Saw you link in Dragon Laffs

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Well laws are made to be broken, so no permit 🙂 Thanks for stopping over from DL, that’s a hilarious site!

  6. Mr. Tako says:

    Sounds like regular life these days…

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