2025 Activity Tracker
Cycling: 997 Miles
Running: 105 Miles
Hiking: 18 Miles
Paddling: 3 Miles
Climbing Days: 1
2024 Activity Tracker
Cycling: 5209 Miles
Running: 330 Miles
Hiking: 46 Miles
Paddling: 86 Miles
Climbing Days: 1
2023 Activity Tracker
Cycling: 5400 Miles
Running: 472 Miles
Hiking: 37 Miles
Paddling: 96 Miles
Climbing Days: 6
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- Dave @ Accidental FIRE on T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 142
- freddy smidlap on T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 142
- Dave @ Accidental FIRE on T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 141
- ETFdb on T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 141
- Dave @ Accidental FIRE on T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 141
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Turnip FIRE! Disclaimer:
Turnip FIRE! is like, real fake news. I mean, there’s fake news that’s meant to be real, and then fake news that’s meant to be fake. The fake news that’s meant to be real is like, actual fake news. Turnip FIRE! is fake fake news…. okay now I’m confused…. Anyhoo, don’t take any Turnip FIRE! stories seriously. Just don’t.
this is making my brain hurt. i had to think about it.
sorry to make you think on friday, I owe you some wine….
Now that is truly elegant!
Hmmm… I was hoping for some mysterious alt/title text but I guess this isn’t XKCD 😉
I also had to think about this one for a minute. I randomly thought: “spaceship ride” for “can’t afford” AND “really want” and then wondered what to do since they’re on opposite sides… Then realized where they overlap.
Then thought of everyone else thinking of fancy clothing accessories, luxe cars, and all too big houses.
Then it made sense.
Well done!
Maybe this is my equivalent of an abstract piece 🙂
a.) I love venn diagrams and b.) this is genius.
I’ve never created anything labeled ‘genius’ before – thanks!
Too true Dave! If I spent my life wanting and buying things I couldn’t afford, I’d have never gotten to where I am today!
It’s OK to not have everything!
You’ve clearly cracked the code Tako, keep preaching!
But its not fun… YOLO FOMO … agghhhh
This has honestly been the toughest part since Lean FIRE, I really really like nice new stuff. So basically I’m on my own addiction prevention program and avoiding relapse, consumerism is like crack
Oh man, don’t be a crackhead Chris, get on the 12-steps!