T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 93

Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #93!

Here are some things I really like and that you might too.


Financial Independence/Retirement Articles

FIRE Goals Update: 1 year of Early Retirement (Escaping Avalon)“ A year ago I early retired from my insane job as a cop. How did it go?

April Update: Are People Losing Interest in FIRE? (Financial Fives)“If people are feeling less optimistic about their ability to save, not to mention the ability of the stock market to return generous gains, why waste time fantasizing about some far-off scenario of retirement?



If you’re not a skiier or snowboarder, you may have never heard of tree wells.  They form around trees in areas of very heavy snow and usually take the lives of a few skiers and boarders every year. They are very dangerous and frightening, and yours truly had the misfortune of falling into one at Copper Mountain Colorado years ago but thankfully it wasn’t so deep that I couldn’t get out.  Watch this video of a skier rescuing a snowboarder who fell into a tree well and would surely have died if the skier had not luckily seen his board.


Who’s Inspired Me

Emma Bates. 

Bates came in fifth at the Boston Marathon this past Monday.  That’s a tremendous result for a U.S. runner against the best in the world.  And if you watched the race you saw a lot of this:

She was on the front setting the pace for about 8 – 10 miles of the race, looking like a boss.  Perhaps that was her downfall when she slipped from the lead group later on as she maybe burnt too many matches out in front, but damn if she didn’t make the others take note.  It was an inspiring run and there’s big things in her future for sure.


What I’m Grateful For

That I set a personal record on one of the big hills in my region, and it’s only April.  I have ridden that hill 379 times according to Strava and I was going for a PR probably 75% of the time. Clocking a time like I did this early in the season could be a predictor of big things 🙂


Lyrically Speaking

He was a writer in his dreams
He sent his thoughts to magazines
He’d get them back without a check
What do bohemians expect?

From “Airstream Bohemians” by John Gorka.

John Gorka is one of those singer songwriters that you sometimes can’t believe isn’t a household name.  With a warm baritone voice that sooths the soul and 15 studio albums starting in 1987 Gorka has built one of the great catalogues of Americana and folk music.  His often demure and hilarious lyrics play well against his voice and music.  The song “I’m from New Jersey” from 1991 is a great example of his direct lyrical style that delivers punchlines and truths.  The song “Airstream Bohemians” has other great passages besides the lines highlighted above, like

“He was the type to look for work
Although not the kind to find it
She was an office temp and clerk
He didn’t have to be reminded
But he minded” 

The “he” in the song is a failed writer trying to live the artistic life and failing, and Gorka’s writing is brilliant.  Perhaps the “he” in the song should have started a blog as a writing outlet, he could be making literally hundreds of dollars a year like me 🙂



What Kind of Mind Does ChatGPT Have? – “Large language models seem startlingly intelligent. But what’s really happening under the hood? 

Cold Temperatures Seem to Have a Mysterious Effect on Longevity – “Lower temperatures might not warm your heart, but they could make for a longer life.”

Partisan Science is Bad for Science and Society – “When science becomes partisan, public trust in science decreases. 


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Dave @ Accidental FIRE

I reached financial independence and semi-retired in my mid-40's through hard work, smart living, and investing. This blog chronicles my journey and explores many aspects of personal finance including the psychological and behavioral factors that drive our habits.

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10 Responses

  1. Abeckman says:

    Whoa. That ski/snow board rescue was amazing. The story is chilling and heroic.
    And I love the Gorka reference. Been a fan since college (20+ years) good stuff

  2. i really like that escaping avalon blog. that’s my style for sure. that spuce trap video was great and scary. i think staying on the trail is generally a good idea for most people.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Yeah man, skiing or boarding the backcountry in those heavy powder conditions is beautiful for sure but carries big risk, mainly tree wells and avalanches. Glad the guy lived!

  3. Wow Dave, thanks for the share! Never thought I’d make the cut, maybe someday I too can make dozens of dollars writing 😊.
    Congrats on the PR, gotta love Strava. I’m just happy if I make it out enough to get the local legend achievement.
    Sorry if you’ve discussed it before, but have you implemented any type of cold exposure in your training? I just started following Huberman’s cold shower protocol, and it definitely elevates mood. Not sure if it’s enough to effect longevity though.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Loved you post dude. As for cold exposure and cold showers, yes I try them but I’ll be honest, I’m a total WUSS! It’s So. Friggin. Painful. For the shower I try the tactic of getting the shower very hot and then for the last 30 seconds to a minute going full cold. Another way I try it is to get in the bathtub with no water at all and some ice next to me and slowly filling the tub while I’m in it. The gradual climbing of the cold water is still uncomfortable but I find it easier to handle. It takes my tub a while to fill up so by the time I’m mostly submerged I’ve been in it for a good 15 minutes or so. I have to admit, I do feel a rush of energy/dopamine afterwards that lasts for a while. The science is there and it does work but it sucks. Mostly ‘cuz I’m a wuss. I know with our brutal DC summers I can make use of the window right after a workout and the cold shower then will be much more tolerable since I’ll be overheated. I’ll be trying that tactic this summer

  4. Dude! That snow rescue was AMAZING. I can’t imagine what that snowboarder was thinking about as he hung upside down in the dark. Thank God that guy came along and noticed the board. A life saved. Wow!

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      That guy owes the skier more than a few beers, probably beer for life, haha. Glad he’s alive and the video will serve to highlight the danger in graphic detail.

  5. Josie says:

    Love these posts and hearing new music and different articles! Thank you!

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