T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 101

Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #101!

Here are some things I really like and that you might too.


Financial Independence/Work Life/Retirement Articles

Toxic Frugality And Financial Independence (Life Outside The Maze)“Is the real problem for the average American that we are all taught how to save but not how to spend well?” 

Edsger Dijkstra’s One-Day Workweek (Cal Newport)“In this specific case study we see hints of a general observation about slow productivity. Busyness is not the engine of production. It can, in many cases, instead be the obstacle to accomplishing your best work.” 



Please enjoy this short video of hummingbirds in slow motion.  Yes I’m an unapologetic nature boy.


What I’m Grateful For

That after creating some new art pieces not in my usual genre or style I sold 7 of them last month including this boho-style piece on Displate which I was pretty psyched about. Or I should say it from another perspective – I’m grateful that seven good humans out there found value or beauty in something I created and chose to buy it.


Lyrically Speaking

I work for the union ’cause she’s so good to me
And I’m bound to come out on top
That’s where she said I should be
I will hear every word the boss may say
For he’s the one who hands me down my pay
Looks like this time I’m gonna get to stay
I’m a union man, now, all the way

From “King Harvest (Has Surely Come)” by The Band

The Band basically invented what’s now called Americana music.  Not bad for a bunch of guys mostly from Canada.  Their songs weave stories of poverty stricken farmers, Civil War soldiers, and general rural folks with timeless music.  They were good enough to be Dylan’s backing band, and in 1976 they released was is still regarded as probably the best concert film in history – The Last Waltz (<– affiliate link). 

The Band’s chief songwriter, Robbie Robertson, died Wednesday at the age of 80.  If you’re a fan of popular music – be it rock, pop, folk, or whatever and you don’t know about Robertson and The Band, trust me, they influenced what you’re listening to.  Robertson was a legendary songwriter, and his guitar style was like no other.  R.I.P. Robbie and thanks for the music.



For type 2 diabetics who exercise, some approaches are better than others – “An analysis on the positive effects of exercise on blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 diabetes shows that while all exercise helps, certain activities — and their timing — are extremely good for people’s health.”

Electric Vehicles Are Bringing Out the Worst in Us – “…automakers’ focus on large, battery-powered SUVs and trucks reinforces a destructive American desire to drive something bigger, faster, and heavier than everyone else.”

Yellow jerseys of the fireline: A day fighting wildfires can require as much endurance as riding the Tour de France – “Hotshot crews like this one are the elite workforce of the forest, and the demand on their bodies can rival that of the cyclists in the Tour de France.

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Dave @ Accidental FIRE

I reached financial independence and semi-retired in my mid-40's through hard work, smart living, and investing. This blog chronicles my journey and explores many aspects of personal finance including the psychological and behavioral factors that drive our habits.

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2 Responses

  1. Chris really hit the nail on the head about the current FIRE space drama. Which is kind of related to the theme of that excellent EV article you linked to. We took a good idea, then we slowly allowed our more base impulses(bigger! faster! spend more!) to erode the original point of the the thing. So it goes.

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