Author: Dave @ Accidental FIRE
What are your financial goals? Do you wish to reach financial independence and perhaps retire early from the job you don’t really like anymore? Let’s go over some real neuroscience that might help you achieve them. Imagine yourself at age...
Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #63! Here are some things I really like and that you might too. Financial Independence/Retirement Articles Appreciate What You Have While You Have It (One Frugal Girl) – “How far have...
In the early 1990’s as unemployment crested past 7.5% and a recession plagued the economy, I was ready to graduate college. Jobs were hard to come by and things were bleak. The situation didn’t scare me as much as it...
None of us will get out of here alive. Sorry for the unfortunate truth bomb. And although lifespan in general in America has gone up over the years with some recent declines, healthspan, or the number of years a person...
Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #62! Here are some things I really like and that you might too. Financial Independence/Retirement Articles Stop Buying Your Stuff Stuff (Live Your Wage) – “The problem is that certain kinds...
Last summer I decided to start de-risking my portfolio and reduce my stake in equities. As I wrote in that post the decision had nothing to with timing the market. I know that I nor anyone else can do that...
In 2018 after achieving financial independence and blasting well past my so-called FI number, I was comfortably semi-retired and working part time. But I was also upset. Two years prior I started putting serious time into my graphic design side...
Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #61! Here are some things I really like and that you might too. Financial Independence/Retirement Articles Everything Must Be Paid for Twice (Raptitude) – “Paying a second price, unpleasant as it...
From an evolutionary aspect, we humans have mostly existed in a world wrought with hunger, dangers, and limited resources. We had to work very hard to get what we needed for survival or we’d perish. When resources like food were...
I’ve done updates on my total spending and my business income for 2021. This last update will be about everything else, and how I continue to evolve in semi-retirement. Firstly, more numbers. If you’re reading this on a full computer...
Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #60! Here are some things I really like and that you might too. Financial Independence/Retirement Articles This Will Solve All Your Problems (FITE Addiction) – “The next time you go shopping...
Regular readers know I semi-retired to 20 hours a week at my main job in 2017 after reaching financial independence years before. Since then much of my newly freed time has been spent on what started as a fun side...
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