The Myth Of Increasing Violent Crime In America
Where were you 30 years ago in 1991? If you weren’t born yet or were too young to recall, it was a pretty big year in history. It was the year of the formal dissolution of the Soviet Union, and...
Where were you 30 years ago in 1991? If you weren’t born yet or were too young to recall, it was a pretty big year in history. It was the year of the formal dissolution of the Soviet Union, and...
Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #41! Here are some things I really like and that you might too. Finance Articles Even More Things I No Longer Do Thanks To Financial Freedom (Fates On Fire) – “Financial...
Recently I was in line at the grocery store and a guy in front of me grabbed a candy bar off the shelf, opened it and started munching. I assumed he was going to pay for it since he was...
It was the fall of 2019 and I was firing on all cylinders. I was the lightest I had ever been in my adult life, my popping veins provided visual reminders of my well earned fitness. I had just broken...
Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #40! Here are some things I really like and that you might too. Finance Articles Young FIRE Bloggers Remind Me Of Good Will Hunting (My Quiet FI) – “Don’t pursue it...
The Bureau of Labor Statistics has had time to crunch the numbers of the U.S. labor market for calendar year 2020 and the official data are coming out. Prior to March 2020, the U.S. labor market was on fire. From...
Drudgery gets a bad rap. What is drudgery? Merriam Webster defines it as “dull, irksome, and fatiguing work, uninspiring or menial labor”. Merriam’s first example of drudgery used in a sentence is “He hated the drudgery of his job.” I...
Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #39! Here are some things I really like and that you might too. Finance Articles Why FIRE Isn’t Fair (Banker On FIRE) – “If you want to embark on a thankless affair,...
“Holy crap” I yelled to my climbing partner Phil, “wait till you see this!”. We were 14 hours into a punishing day of climbing, and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. While traversing a gully that we weren’t sure...
JEZERO CRATER, MARS – In one of the biggest discoveries humankind has ever made, the NASA rover Perseverance has confirmed the existence of microbial life on Mars. The U.S. Government reacted by immediately sending a $1400 stimulus check to the...
According to the median home listing price in America was $340,000 at the start of 2021. That one caught me by surprise when I looked it up, I didn’t think it would be that high. The National Association of...
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