Author: Dave @ Accidental FIRE

Employment Trends In The Time Of COVID-19 16

Employment Trends In The Time Of COVID-19

It would be a bit of an understatement to say the COVID-19 has changed employment across America in 2020.  Back in April unemployment peaked at 14.7% with over 23 million people unemployed (not 40 million as the mainstream media continues...

T.G.I.F. Friday 11

T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 28

Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #28! Here are some things I really like and that you might too.    Finance Articles What If The 4% Rule For Retirement Withdrawals is Now the 5% Rule? (A Wealth Of...


Judging My Former Self

I’m going to tell you a story that I’m not too proud of.  A couple of years ago, probably around the time I started this blog, I was on a long bike ride.  One of my speedy fitness rides where...

T.G.I.F. Friday 6

T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 27

Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #27! Here are some things I really like and that you might too.    Finance Articles The Space In Between (Live Your Wage) – “If we don’t at least have a rough...


Your Money Horoscopes

Aries Your girlfriend will get Warren Buffet to sign her boob at the Berkshire Hathaway meeting and even though you like investing you’ll just be really confused about the whole thing. Taurus Complaining there’s nothing good on Netflix while stealing...

T.G.I.F. Friday 11

T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 26

Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #26! * This marks the one year anniversary of my T.G.I.F. Posts!  I’m delighted to say it’s been a huge success as they’re quite popular and I’ve received more than a few...


The American Auto Loan Crisis

Americans collectively owe approximately $1.35 trillion in auto loan debt.  Trillion, with a “T”.  We’ve heard the constant drumbeat of the student loan crisis for a long time now, and rightly so.  Total student loan debt in America is even...

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