Category: psychology


How Dopamine Affects Your Finances

From an evolutionary aspect, we humans have mostly existed in a world wrought with hunger, dangers, and limited resources.  We had to work very hard to get what we needed for survival or we’d perish.  When resources like food were...


Is This The Condition I So Feared?

I rounded a bend in the trail only to be faced with yet another steep climb on slippery and muddy terrain. I’d been hiking for 19 miles and should have come upon my planned campsite for the night, but it...


The Upgrade Effect

Stuff.  We all buy it and need it.  In a post a few years back I laid out my three rules of stuff, coming from a frugal and financially independent mindset.  And recently I posted about maximizers and satisficers and...


Ego Can Steal Your Money

Recently I was on a morning run and having one of those days.  I was low energy, my legs had no pep, and I just felt blah.  I was determined to push through, but my pace was way off my...


I’m A Freak, And Cool With It

The number of people involved in the financial independence and FIRE movements is small.  Some of us in the community might think there’s too many FIRE blogs and a seemingly endless conga line of “noobs” entering the fray to achieve...


Taking Cues From MySpace Tom

Here I am, slowly approaching 4 years of early semi-retirement.  It blows my mind.  I’ve never been a planner in life, especially long term.  After a less than desirable childhood and let’s just call it a slow start, I’ve basically...


What Am I Running From?

Recently I spent a blissful weekend backpacking on the Appalachian Trail with an old friend.  We had perfect weather and the trip was more than just good for me, it was therapeutic.  I could feel the stress and anxiety leaving...

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