Category: psychology


Sacrifice Is Not A Dirty Word

She was deceptively beautiful, with the kind of stoic and determined demeanor that let you know she wasn’t playing games. When other students traded jokes or discussed movies during breaks, she read the next lessons material.  She rarely talked. Her...


The Power Of Pessimism

Vice Admiral James Stockdale spent seven years of the Vietnam War being tortured in a Hanoi prison.  Author Jim Collins interviewed Stockdale for his book “Good To Great”, and Stockdale had some intriguing insight.  Collins asked him who didn’t make...


Judging My Former Self

I’m going to tell you a story that I’m not too proud of.  A couple of years ago, probably around the time I started this blog, I was on a long bike ride.  One of my speedy fitness rides where...


When Motivation Ends, Discipline Begins

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic I mostly ran without music.  Quiet attunes you to your body, breathing, pace, and the surrounding environment.  And seemingly half of drivers out there are piloting their death boxes while playing on their cellphones, so...


Comparison Is Good

“All right boys, are you ready?” he said confidently to us, with a determined smile.  I looked at my friend Brian, smiled, and said “ok I guess it’s game on with these guys”. We were on our bikes in a...


Business As Usual

Regular readers know I focus heavily on the behavioral traits that drive money decisions, and this pandemic is forcing all kinds of changes that are, to me, fascinating to observe. Most of us have had our lives turned upside down,...


Between Chaos And Peace

I found a mostly empty and quiet gate at the airport with room to stretch. The traffic plagued ride and chaotic security line put me in a funk. There were 5 huge TV screens blaring out the bile of the...

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