Accidental Fire Blog


Are Renting And Sharing The New Owning?

My lawnmower was manufactured when Ronald Reagan was still in his first term.  My grandmother bought it new and I inherited it after she passed, and I’m still using it today.  It’s literally cut hundreds of millions of blades of...


How I Practice Mindfulness

As regular readers know I’m an outdoor sports junkie. One of the biggest drivers for me to work less is to free up time to enjoy the natural wonders of this amazing starship we call Earth.  Whether it be rock...


I’m Not A Pothead But I Might Be A Burnout

The big work related news of the week is the World Health Organization has now officially listed burnout as an “occupational syndrome”. In the eleventh edition of the agency’s manual called the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), the WHO claims...

Have Patience With Your Side Hustle 39

Have Patience With Your Side Hustle

As regular readers know my main side hustle right now is selling graphic designs online.  It’s something I really love, mainly because it’s 100% self-paced and almost completely passive.  I create a design and upload it to various websites, and...


Are You Wealthy, Successful, And Miserable?

Every once in a while I read an article that touches on so many points relevant to financial independence that it must be shared. Charles Duhigg’s recent article in New York Times magazine titled “Wealthy, Successful, and Miserable” is one...

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