Accidental Fire Blog


Which Cities Have The Most Ultra-Rich?

It’s official, according to research firm Wealth-X New York no longer has the largest population of ultra-rich folks.  As this Bloomberg piece reports, Hong Kong now has the distinction of having the highest number of people worth at least $30...


All FIRE’D Up!

Are you ready folks? I was running the other day and this song came blaring out of my headphones.  Crank it up while you’re reading and just rawk!!     I had a crush on Pat Benatar when I was...


Where Work Pays

I have a treat for you today readers.  You know I love me some maps, especially interactive ones.   I recently discovered a very nifty site that serves up salary data for 320 different occupations across the country.  In other words,...


Are Millennials Afraid Of Risk?

From October 2007 to March 2009 equities lost a sobering 54% of their value.  Many millennials were just getting started in their careers during this time, and many more were still in college watching the horror show from the proverbial...

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