The Power Of Savings


the power of savings


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Dave @ Accidental FIRE

I reached financial independence and semi-retired in my mid-40's through hard work, smart living, and investing. This blog chronicles my journey and explores many aspects of personal finance including the psychological and behavioral factors that drive our habits.

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18 Responses

  1. Team CF says:

    Now that is a very statistically significant correlation 😉

  2. JP says:

    Hmmmm… Is more medicine the answer?

  3. I don’t take any medications. I must be wealthy!

  4. Xrayvsn says:

    You got me AF. I clicked on the title a few times thinking it was going to load up the rest of the post when I saw the chart (and after a bit realized that the chart was the whole post) 🙂

  5. nice graphic.
    I think that the more you work the more stress you have in your life.
    (and I notice this as I have the day off work today as my wife has her last day in the office before her year of maternity leave – it is bliss having none of the usual Monday morning madness and having to wake up at 6:30 to get to work).

    Any other good correlations? savings/money = health – pills?
    (number holidays per year) / $$$ of holidays >= Real Wage $/annum / (hours of commute per year )

  6. GenX FIRE says:

    There is more truth in that graph than there should be.

  7. BusyMom says:

    Love this!
    And I agree wholeheartedly.

  8. So…get out, be active, and start some fitness?!

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