Study: Americans Best At Money When Deciding Between Cone Or Cup, Number Of Scoops

WASHINGTON D.C. – Most Americans achieve their highest ability to understand money in the anxious seconds when deciding between a cup or cone and the number of scoops they desire at the ice cream shop, according to a new study.  “Our research shows that Americans cognitive ability to do basic math and understand finances expands over a thousand-fold when they’re trying to get the maximum amount of sugar and fat for their dollar at the ice cream counter”, said lead researcher Jack Torrance.  “The same people who are clearly unable to set a basic budget or understand a single thing about tax laws show an amazing propensity to do rather sophisticated analysis regarding cost-per-scoop and how the scoops should be delivered to their pie-hole.”  Torrence added that more research is necessary to understand the exact mechanism that stimulates the brain’s ability to understand money at the ice cream counter while not elsewhere, but he is pretty sure it has “something to do with priorities”.


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Dave @ Accidental FIRE

I reached financial independence and semi-retired in my mid-40's through hard work, smart living, and investing. This blog chronicles my journey and explores many aspects of personal finance including the psychological and behavioral factors that drive our habits.

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13 Responses

  1. Xrayvsn says:

    I rank the decision of # of scoops and cone/cup right up there with choosing private/state college and geoarbitrage. That’s why I propose the movement we are in be called FIRE & Ice.

  2. Gars says:

    Dopamine rules!

    The smart money is buying their ice cream at the grocery store and eating it at home.

  3. i just wrote a substandard piece about tax strategies. i should have done ice cream analysis. as a side note, we bought some ice cream cones when my father in law was in the nursing home. the small ones were four bucks apiece and that surprised me. i guess i think a loaf of bread should still cost 25 cents like an old curmudgeon too.

  4. I tell them to put it in a cup and stick a cone on top. Less messy for the kid. Nobody said no yet.

  5. Only if it’s a cake cone is it even worth the discussion.

  6. Pete says:

    I suspect the number of scoops for the pie-hole is generally MOOAAAR!

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