Uninspired Blogger Only Talks In Listicles

ST. PAUL, MN – Sources report that the lazy financial blogger known as Todd “6 ways” Jenkins is only capable of speaking in listicles.  “I’ve tried 5 ways to shed this affliction, and I’m still searching for an answer” he told reporters.  Jenkins blogs about personal finance and early retirement, and in 2016 he started posting mostly uninspired listicles.  By early 2018 all of his posts were listicles and he even started speaking the same way in everyday life.  Now he’s unable to communicate without using listicles, in any medium.   “There’s 8 ways this kinda sucks, but I guess I did it to myself”, said Jenkins.  “I was unmotivated when it came to my blog, so I found 7 ways to fax it in.  And that changed my brain in 3 ways, one of which is called listicl-itis”.   “Trust me, if you’re a blogger there’s 4 reasons you don’t want to do what I did”.   As of this writing Jenkins has checked into a 12 step program at a local clinic for treatment.

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Dave @ Accidental FIRE

I reached financial independence and semi-retired in my mid-40's through hard work, smart living, and investing. This blog chronicles my journey and explores many aspects of personal finance including the psychological and behavioral factors that drive our habits.

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15 Responses

  1. Haha, well put. It’s a lot easier to structure articles in list format, and readers click through to them. But that doesn’t mean it’s original!

  2. i wrote a funny 7 ways to save money on burritos post and got a complaint from a stranger on the twitter machine. these are the 5 reasons the complaint department was closed that day and not scheduled to reopen.

    there are also 4 reasons i write a blog for free and for that you get what you pay for.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      epic dude. I hear there are 7, maybe even 8 reasons the mufferito is considered an aphrodisiac in Japan. Ya gotta write that one, we need to know

  3. ThriveOn35K says:

    Todd should probably have that checked out by a doctor. Hopefully, his listicles eventually will shrivel up and fall off from lack of use. Cutting off the blood flow surely reduces the risk of listicl-itis.

    Best of luck to him.

  4. Prepare2FIRE says:

    Thanks for the Friday Funny!

  5. Pete says:

    At least Todd has recognized his problem. Sadly, I can’t say that for all bloggers. 🙂

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      You are correct. Too many bloggers out there are headed to chronic listiclitis, or worse. It’s becoming an epidemic

  6. Savvy History says:

    This is the best thing I read on the internet this week:)

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