T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 15

Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #15!

Here are some things I really like and that you might too. 


Finance Articles

Get rich by embracing “Monk Mode” (The Escape Artist) – “Monk Mode was how I survived and regrouped. That time was no fun but it laid the foundations for my future financial freedom.”

This Is Real Deal Geoarbitrage Baby! (Fates On Fire) – “While not the principal motivation, the impacts of our geoarbitrage are, unquestionably saving us tens of thousands of dollars”



This time lapse of Greenland is mesmerizing and calms me.

Ilulissat Icefjord – Timelapse Film from Greenland from Casper Rolsted on Vimeo.


Who’s Inspired Me

The kids behind “Zoomer to Boomers”.  They created a website where seniors (Boomers) can sign up to have their groceries delivered the next day by a high school student (Zoomers).  Delivery Fee – $0.  Look at this website and the number of cities they have. 

They did all this in a few weeks.  Yeah. 

It’s a great middle finger to the sarcastic “Ok Boomer” meme that had been the sentiment before the pandemic.  And it’s one little example of what’s no doubt going on all across America and the world – people helping each other, and innovating in the process.


What I’m Grateful For

The Internet and World Wide Web. I don’t have to explain how they’ve changed our lives and world (except maybe to young folks), but in this time especially they’re helping us communicate and stay in touch.  And for the past three weeks they gave me the platform to make people all over the world laugh. For that I’m grateful. 


Lyrically Speaking

Memories they can’t be boughten
They can’t be won at carnivals for free
Well it took me years
To get those souvenirs
And I don’t know how they slipped away from me

From “Souvenirs“, by John Prine (original 1972 version). 

I didn’t discover John Prine until the 1990’s, he always flew a bit below the radar and his type of music didn’t make radio stations in a big urban jungle like Baltimore.  My first Prine album was 1995’s Lost Dogs and Mixed Blessings, and I thought “where has this guy been all my life?”.  I immediately devoured his back catalog and realized he was a true American treasure.  Prine’s songs deliver line after line that you wish you wrote, but know you’re not skilled enough to do.  His stories are as good as Dylans, and he’s funnier and more irreverent. 

Money is great but as Prine says above, you can’t buy memories. 

John Prine died on April 7th of complications caused by COVID-19.  He was 73.  RIP brother and thanks for the music. 



Why We Forget Most of the Books We Read (and the movies and TV shows we watch)

Study finds irregular sleep patterns double the risk of cardiovascular disease in older adults – (personal note: being consistent in my sleep timing has been a huge benefit for me. Also read my review of Matthew Walker’s “Why We Sleep” where he discusses this.)

To Run My Best Marathon at Age 44, I Had to Outrun My Past(personal note: I’m well past 44 and have improved my running and cycling times every year. You are not old in your 40’s or 50’s and your body is capable of way more than you think it is… you have to work at it)

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Dave @ Accidental FIRE

I reached financial independence and semi-retired in my mid-40's through hard work, smart living, and investing. This blog chronicles my journey and explores many aspects of personal finance including the psychological and behavioral factors that drive our habits.

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10 Responses

  1. Gosh Greenland is beautiful and calming!

    Fates on Fire was a really interesting read.
    I’ve got a bunch of relatives in Washington and the people are super nice.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      I was all set to do a big adventure trip to Greenland about 8 years ago but my stupid job got in the way. Another reason to retire early 🙂

  2. I can’t even imagine this whole experience if we didn’t have internet. It is probably the one thing keeping us truly sane!

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      I agree completely, but that fact depresses me. I mean, we know if this happened in say the 70’s that people would have gotten through just fine with no internet, o I saddens me that we’ve become so attention deficit and dependent on this thing. Don’t get me wrong, the internet is wonderful, but I wonder what we’ve lost as far as being able to entertain ourselves in simpler ways.

  3. Zoomer to Boomers is a great idea. They need to expand to more cities.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Such a great thing for those kids to do, and they did it so quickly. I’m sure it’ll expand.

  4. oh, man, john prine was a master songwriter/storyteller. he also reminds me of someone you would really have enjoyed hanging out with. i read that whole article about the runner in his 40’s. it’s a funny thing there were a couple of real studs who were running in my local area when i was growing up in the 80’s. one guy was barry brown who ran a 2:15 marathon at age 40 which was the american over 40 record at that time. he was around all the time even at some of the rinky dink events i would run. his buddy and olympic marathon champion frank shorter would come around too now and then.

    if you ever want a book about good workouts for running faster there are a lot in “the competitive runner’s training book” by bill dellinger who used to coach the university of oregon. you can scale those to your own abilities. i always wonder if i’ll get motivated enough to run pretty fast again. i surely believe it possible if you set your mind to it.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Wow, you rubbed shoulders with Frank Shorter, that’s big time. Total legend. And thanks for that book recco, we all know Oregon has always been the mecca of running in the US so I’m sure it has sage advice. Part of me wants to start pushing to see if I could run a 6 minute mile, but I’m also worried about re-aggravating my injury. I’ve been on the up and up and it’s going away, so I should probably wait before I crank things up.

  5. Mr. Tako says:

    Great stuff as always Dave! Keep it up! 🙂

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