Your Money Horoscopes

Your girlfriend will get Warren Buffet to sign her boob at the Berkshire Hathaway meeting and even though you like investing you’ll just be really confused about the whole thing.

Complaining there’s nothing good on Netflix while stealing your Mother’s account credentials somehow seems like adulthood.

You remember when pennies were actually worth something but you also wear adult diapers.

That cheap Dollar Store sex toy that sometimes gives you an electric shock might just be the side hustle idea you’ve been waiting for.

You might like your new $150 electric mixer but let me introduce you to a fucking whisk you idiot.

You’ll change your order from a side salad to prime rib with lobster tale when you realize the group just decided to split the check evenly.

Unnecessarily going out of your way to pee in that 4th bathroom that you somehow thought you needed in your bloated McMansion will lose it’s thrill, to no ones surprise.

Your frugal ass will cut the purple mold off the end of the cheese and happily consume the rest.

How’d that bitcoin obsession work out, you pathetic fuckwit?

You’ll blow the money you set aside to buy your wife an anniversary gift by day trading but somehow still convince yourself you’re a fully actualized human.

Everyone at your local FI blogger meetup will order water, again.

All hope for keeping your unaffordable SUV will be lost when the repo man refuses to take your old Chuck E Cheese pizza coupons.


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Dave @ Accidental FIRE

I reached financial independence and semi-retired in my mid-40's through hard work, smart living, and investing. This blog chronicles my journey and explores many aspects of personal finance including the psychological and behavioral factors that drive our habits.

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6 Responses

  1. Matt @ OMB says:

    Thanks for the good laugh

  2. anniversary gifts: i went to my best friend’s wedding in vegas and gambled away the gift the 1st night and had to go to the ATM the next day to replace. i hate vegas but ended up winning a grand that weekend.

    boob signing: i was watching commander cody (you must know of him) in a bar about 20 years ago and asked him to sign my double live album. he agreed only if he could keep the sharpie to sign some boobs!

  3. Gary Simms says:

    Pisces the fish ordering water…. again. Small wonder.

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