T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 31

Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #31!

Here are some things I really like and that you might too. 


Finance Articles

Are You Too Frugal? (Retire By 40) – “Is it possible to be too frugal?”

Low Education Jobs With High Pay (Reverse The Crush) – “Nine jobs that only require experience, hard work, perseverance, and maybe a few courses.”



Autonomous sensory meridian response videos, or ASMRs, have been wildly popular for some time.  I’ve seen a few that I’ve liked over the years but this one has become my favorite.  Relax and enjoy an evening in Mr. Charles Dickens writing room.  Cosy up by the crackling fireplace and listen to the gentle English rain outside softly tapping at the windows. The sound alone is worth it.  

And if you want more this is one of my favorite Christmas ASMRs


Who’s Inspired Me

Dr. Terry Wahls. 

I recently listened to Dr. Wahls’ story on Impact Theory.  As Tom Bilyeau writes “After being diagnosed with Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, Terry Wahls depended on a tilt-recline wheelchair for four years.  However, she realized that she could improve her health on a cellular level by focusing on lifestyle and diet.  Her incredible story of recovery is really a story of creating health and vitality, instead of focusing on treating the symptoms of disease.”  

You can see the whole interview here.  Trust me, it’s worth the time investment.  When she recounts the story of being able to pedal her bike again with her family watching and starts crying, I think I started chopping onions myself.  If you’ve ever doubted that you are what you eat, you need to watch this.  It will help motivate you to stop putting junk in your body, for good.


What I’m Grateful For

Pumpkin pie.  More accurately this particular week, one of only two all year when I allow myself to eat it.  You can read about that here.


Lyrically Speaking

You got a fast car
We go cruising entertain ourselves
You still ain’t got a job
And I work in the market as a checkout girl
I know things will get better
You’ll find work and I’ll get promoted
We’ll move out of the shelter
Buy a bigger house and live in the suburbs

From “Fast Car“, by Tracy Chapman

I purposely linked to a live version of Chapman performing this song because it gives me chills.  Imagine being able to walk up to a microphone with just a guitar and sound like that.  No auto-tune, no computer backtracks, no trickery.  Just raw unfiltered talent.  And she’s at the Oakland Coliseum in front of tens of thousands of people!  My last band once played in front of about 80 people and I was so nervous my shaking hand made it hard to play the first song. 

The song itself, what can you say.  For my money Chapman is one of the best songwriters in history, hands down.  Her catalog speaks for itself.  “Fast Car” was a huge hit in the late 1980’s and when I read the lyrics now as a grizzled adult I see so much more in the song.  It’s a story no-doubt playing out all across America.  It’s a song about hope, and the dirty mess it spawns from. 

Everyone wants to find work and get promoted.  Well, not me at this point…. and I would caution Tracy about the bigger house in the suburbs 🙂 



What If Instead Of Calling People Out We Called Them In? (possible paywall)“I am challenging the call-out culture, I think you can understand how calling out is toxic. It really does alienate people, and makes them fearful of speaking up.”

How your diet can help flatten the curve“Stronger immune systems can help people fight the virus, and may help keep some patients out of the hospital, leaving room for those in most dire need.”

Large Hadron Collider Creates Matter From Light

The Sound So Loud That It Circled the Earth Four Times

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Dave @ Accidental FIRE

I reached financial independence and semi-retired in my mid-40's through hard work, smart living, and investing. This blog chronicles my journey and explores many aspects of personal finance including the psychological and behavioral factors that drive our habits.

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4 Responses

  1. you put up that article about high paying jobs without a degree. our friend was over the other day and she never went to college and ended up making 150k/year at a telecom company. the culture sucked so she utilized her FU money and quit after 7 years. i like these no BS people in my life.

    i enjoyed that professor ross article. it must be tough to get through to that “extra wokey woke” culture at smith college. a friend of mine graduated from there. i think they fight it out with oberlin as most nutty. they can call me out any time as i got something for ’em.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Awesome for your friend, I don’t think that’s too uncommon to be honest. My best friend didn’t finish his Associates degree and makes about that or more. He was a Marine though, so the discipline instilled from that was gonna take him anywhere regardless.

      As for the cancelers, they’re bullies plain and simple. All bullies eventually get theirs

  2. Reverse The Crush says:

    Thanks again for the shout-out, Dave! Just read Freddy’s comment, it’s nice to hear another example of someone who did not go to college but did well. That’s amazing she was able to quit within 7 years.

    I checked out that live version of Chapman performing, wow, she is unreal live. First time hearing her live. Thanks for sharing.

    I hope you have a great weekend! 🙂

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