T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 98

Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #98!

Here are some things I really like and that you might too.


Financial Independence/Work Life/Retirement Articles

The Liabilities Of Success (Of Dollars And Data)“It’s easy to idolize the accomplishments of those who are more successful than you, but it’s hard to understand the price they paid for that success.

Flexibility is Overrated – SWR Series Part 58 (Early Retirement Now)“If we are flexible – so we are told – we don’t have to worry much about sequence risk. We can throw out the 4% Rule and make it the 5.5% Rule.



Nature is brutal.  Nature doesn’t care.  Animals are brutally killing and eating each other 24×7.  Sorry to break that to you but it’s true.  Watch an eagle owl snatch a baby hawk right out of it’s nest.  She didn’t even have to land.  And if you look close you can see her two eyes shining and approaching as she’s flying in.  Effing brutal.


Who’s Inspired Me

Courtney Dauwalter and Lael Wilcox.  (yes, again)  

I’ve highlighted both Courtney and Lael individually here before, but they continue to inspire.  Last Saturday Dauwalter didn’t just break – she utterly destroyed the women’s record at the legendary Western States 100 mile ultra race, the most prestigious ultra in America.  She ran a 15:29:33, beating the former women’s record by a mind-boggling 1 hour and 18 minutes!  And she smiled almost the whole time. 

Meanwhile Lael Wilcox won the woman’s division of the Tour Divide (again) despite dealing with lung issues and dehydration that forced her to go to a medical clinic during the race and get IV fluids.  That’s badassery.  And she smiles all the time too. 

For my money Lael and Courtney are the two most positive athletes in the world of endurance sports by far.  They’re always stoked, they’re very competitive but not cocky or overbearing about it, and they never have a bad word to speak about anyone.  They continue to explore and push the limits of human capabilities, and that inspires me to push mine.


What I’m Grateful For

A recent unofficial reunion with old high school friends.  While it was hard to discuss stories of the “old times” since those years were extremely difficult for me, it was awesome to see everyone doing well and thriving.


Lyrically Speaking

Some things last forever
Why can’t this last forever?
Nothing lasts forever
I hope this lasts forever, oh

From “Yesterday Never Tomorrows” by The Stills

Back in 2004 I took the D.C. Metro to work and the ride combined with the walking meant a good hour of music listening every day.  That year two albums from new bands found their way on my mp3 player (remember those).  One was from the band Delays and I featured them in Lyrically Speaking a few years back.  The other was The Stills, whose debut album Logic Will Break Your Heart was released in late 2003. 

There are not enough accolades I can pay to this record.  It’s both dark and bright and the production is huge.  It sounds like some of the songs are even recorded live or at least with minimal overdubs.  “Of Montreal”, “Lola Stars And Stripes”, and “Changes Are No Good” to me are anthemic, and the whole record still sounds as fresh and bold to me today as it did 19 years ago. 

As for the simple lyrics above, well that sums up the human condition in a way.  I also hope at least some of my money lasts forever.



Obese Boys Are At Increased Risk Of Infertility In Adulthood – “Apart from the chances of developing health conditions such as heart attacks, stroke, and diabetes, obesity in boys can also increase their risk of having infertility in adulthood.”

The death of the vegetarian – “Veggies outnumber vegans by almost two million, but they’re in danger of being cancelled by a plant-based takeover of the nation’s menus.”

World’s Deadliest Spider Can Alter Lethality of Venom – “Funnel-web spiders aren’t just the most venomous arachnids in the world, they can also choose how deadly they want their venom to be.”

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Dave @ Accidental FIRE

I reached financial independence and semi-retired in my mid-40's through hard work, smart living, and investing. This blog chronicles my journey and explores many aspects of personal finance including the psychological and behavioral factors that drive our habits.

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10 Responses

  1. i’m still pooping my pants over safe withdrawal rates! i know of nobody with a higher sense of arrogant self importance than ern. all this simulation stuff is fine for geeks who aren’t withdrawing much or anything from theor portfolios. just go ahead and show me an interview with a person who has run out of money withdrawing a consistent 4%.

    on a lighter note: the vegans and the vegetarians have a pillow fight!

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Well you let it all out there 🙂 I’m glad things didn’t get ugly here, I just wanna have a nice 4th celebrating ‘murica!

  2. Trisha says:

    Good finance articles. Owls, hawks, eagles, osprey… awesome predators. I remember reading about an owl that took a dog in Fairbanks News Miner newspaper, talk about brutal. I continue enjoy and learn from your blogs. Thank you.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      Owls are vicious, and some of them get really big. Count me out

      And thanks for the kind words as always!

  3. Thanks for including my post on flexibility and spreading awareness for a very important issue in FIRE withdrawal planning. I certainly build flexibility into my retirement planning, but it’s a catch-22: the degree of flexibility that most folks are comfortable with will not likely create much of a difference in the SWR. And raising your SWR noticeably might require an unpalatable form of flexibility in how long and how deep you have to cut withdrawals!

    And Freddy’s characterization “i [sic] know of nobody with a higher sense of arrogant self importance [sic] than ern [sic]” is a tremendous badge of honor. Best feedback I’ve gotten all week. 🙂

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      I’m glad you took that as a compliment Ern, I just want everyone to get along 🙂 As for SWR rates, the way I see it, if you want to really live your life in retirement and not have your withdrawal rate dictating what you can and can’t do, I think most folks will be flexible just naturally. Meaning some years you’ll spend more than others, maybe by quite a lot. So to me flexibility is inevitable, what’s important is to keep tabs on going overboard on baller years and making sure things balance out. I know that’s non-mathematical, but I feel most folks just aren’t going to live their lives mathematically 🙂

  4. Best comment section ever! It’s a good day when Freddy AND Ern show up.

    I’m glad you posted Ern’s latest; I think it was a great counter to the MF post he was responding to there. As one of those annoying people who say they’re sorta retired but not actually withdrawing, I think you have one of two choices when it comes time to pull money.
    1. Call it good with 4% and be cool with rolling with the punches.
    2. Use more complex calculations to figure out an optimal SWR, and then still be cool with rolling with it a little.
    But once you start making projections of how you’ll roll with it and everything will be fine, I think you’ve gone down a path of self deception. What do I know though? I’m just some dude who read some books and liked licking bus windows as a kid 🙃

    Also “Logic Will Break Your Heart” has got to be up there with killer album names.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      I think “roll with the punches”-FI should be a new one along with fat/coast/barista, etc. It sums up my approach pretty nicely, although I’ll be starting with a really nice cushion.

  5. I wish more people would do reunions with their old friends. I respect you sharing that they were difficult years, as they were for many. I also think it can be grounding to realize that time is finite, and looking back on life can help you appreciate the things you have.

    • Dave @ Accidental FIRE says:

      It was covid that got the whole thing started. In spring 2020 when shit went sideways we all emailed and decided to do a zoom. We did a few and those were great but then we stopped. And here it is 3 years later and we got together in person. Covid had many silver linings for me.

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