Category: psychology


Money Lessons From Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Day will be celebrated this coming Monday in America.  It’s a federal government holiday, so I’ll be off.  As a semi-retired and semi-quasi-professional blogger and graphic artist, I wasn’t planning on working anyway. Sadly, many companies in...


How To Fight Imposter Syndrome

Something I often hear in the personal finance blogging community or the blogging community as a whole is the concept of imposter syndrome.  Imposter Syndrome is: a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their accomplishments and has a persistent...


Do You Have A Resilience Fund?

One of the core tenants of good personal finance is having an emergency fund.  Basically an emergency fund is an account set aside to deal with unexpected expenses. It’s generally recommended that you keep an emergency fund in a very...


Sunken Costs And Stubbornness

We had just partied like it was 1999.  I was coming up on 3 years into my investing career, and even though I mostly had mutual funds, I still liked the idea of researching and picking a winning stock. Having...


Sensationalizing Risk

Modern media has a way of sensationalizing things, if you haven’t noticed.  This is probably because it works, it’s good for views, which is good for advertising dollars.   Combine that with the phenomenon of things going viral on social...

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