Accidental Fire Blog


I Did It Mom!

Dear Mom, Can you believe this?  I’ve done it.  I think I’m kind of set for life. Yep, I kind of can’t believe it either.  I know, we didn’t have too much when I was growing up, but you and...


FIRE and the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Today I’m thrilled to have a guest post from Michael Dinich.  Michael is a professional financial advisor and the founder of Your Money Geek. He often writes about Finance, Taxes, Politics, Renewable Energy and Geek Culture.  He provides clients with...


Do You Have A Resilience Fund?

One of the core tenants of good personal finance is having an emergency fund.  Basically an emergency fund is an account set aside to deal with unexpected expenses. It’s generally recommended that you keep an emergency fund in a very...


Sunken Costs And Stubbornness

We had just partied like it was 1999.  I was coming up on 3 years into my investing career, and even though I mostly had mutual funds, I still liked the idea of researching and picking a winning stock. Having...


For Better Work-Life Balance, Work More

You heard it right.  I like Lifehacker, they usually put out good content that’s helpful in many aspects of life but they’re definitely not immune to the absurd and outrageous.  A few weeks ago they ran this hilarious post that...

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