Tagged: habits


The Year Without Beer

My neighbor invited me over to hang out on his patio the other day.  He’s got a new fire pit and everyone loves a good fire in winter.  He told me to bring some beers, and I said I’d bring...


When Motivation Ends, Discipline Begins

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic I mostly ran without music.  Quiet attunes you to your body, breathing, pace, and the surrounding environment.  And seemingly half of drivers out there are piloting their death boxes while playing on their cellphones, so...


Business As Usual

Regular readers know I focus heavily on the behavioral traits that drive money decisions, and this pandemic is forcing all kinds of changes that are, to me, fascinating to observe. Most of us have had our lives turned upside down,...


Never Underestimate Your Ability To Adapt

One of the core tenants of the financial independence movement is to avoid lifestyle inflation.  Investopedia defines lifestyle inflation as “increasing one’s spending when income goes up”.  I don’t think that’s the best definition since many people increase their spending even when...


What Is Your Alterna?

In 2017 I rode 6350 miles on my bicycles.  Los Angeles to New York is about 2800 miles, so that comes out to about 2.3 trips from L.A. to NYC.  Or, about the distance from Washington D.C to Tehran, Iran....

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