Tagged: spending

First The Latte Factor, Now The Coffee Factor 28

First The Latte Factor, Now The Coffee Factor

Recently a short video from Suze Orman created a bit of a controversy on social media.  Granted everything is a controversy on social media these days, but I found this one particularly interesting. Orman recorded a short video called “how...


Is Saving Money Your Lifestyle Or A Task?

To get to financial independence, you have to save money.  There’s no way around it.  Even if you become famous and wind up having money pouring out your kitchen faucets, if you don’t save you’re not going to make it...

Camelcamelcamel Site Review 34

Camelcamelcamel Site Review

Like many, I do quite a bit of my shopping on Amazon.  It’s getting more difficult to ignore the juggernaut of online shopping as time goes on.  They’re reliable, have virtually everything, and make shopping quick and easy.  They also...


How I Smartphone

We’re now accustomed to having a device on us at all times that’s amazingly small and that can access most of the entire corpus of human knowledge.  Usually in a couple seconds.  Sometimes it still blows my mind when I...


It Might Be A Good Time To Rent

I’ve written before about the affordability gap to housing in the U.S., breaking it down by state.  Well things don’t seem to be getting easier for Americans in regards to buying an affordable home. Bloomberg has reported that Americans are...


Yes Frugality Matters, Stop The Nonsense

I’ve seen a lot of chatter and complaints in the blogosphere recently about frugality.  “Everyone writes about spending less” and “spending less isn’t really the most important factor, it’s about earning more”.  Or “Frugality is oversold in regards to financial...

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