Category: psychology

envy 16

Dreaming of Lambos

Envy. (noun) “a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck.”  It turns out this undesirable emotion has evolutionary origins and came about for a pretty good reason. It’s basically a survival mechanism, a way to motivate ourselves. ...


The Money To Anxiety Ratio

In 2021 as covid vaccines rolled out the cycling group rides and races that are such an important part of my life came back.  While this provided a huge boost to my moral and my training, I also got some...

Financial Goals 8

This Is Your Brain On Financial Goals

What are your financial goals?  Do you wish to reach financial independence and perhaps retire early from the job you don’t really like anymore?  Let’s go over some real neuroscience that might help you achieve them. Imagine yourself at age...

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